Monthly Archives: August 2014

At Least One Green Job Has Been Created Under Obama

Recycling of IRS hard drives has boomed since Obama took office. This requires people, and has created at least one green job since 2008.

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The Father Of Global Warming Saw It As A Benefit For Earth

Arrhenius introduced global warming as a benefit. Only recently did alarmists start their extreme weather BS, and only after the climate quit warming. The Pueblo Leader – Jan 28, 1913 One of the greatest scientists in the world is Arrhenius of Sweden. He is a chemist … Continue reading

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How Bad Is The Drought?

The press tells us that the current drought is historic, catastrophic and unprecedented, with about 15% of the country in severe or worse drought. (Note that much of the drought shown in the southwest has actually disappeared since this map … Continue reading

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Proof That US Warming Is Mann-Made

This post is not a joke, but is stunning. The graph below shows the relationship between atmospheric CO2 and the magnitude of USHCN data tampering. There is almost perfect correlation between the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and how … Continue reading

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Hope And Change : Obama Promised To Eliminate Capital Gains Tax For Small Business

Obama is also against raising the debt ceiling. He says it is unpatriotic He is also going to reinstate “pay as you go” rules.

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Correlating A Rising Dow Jones Industrial Average, With A Bright Future

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My Latest CO2 Research

CO2 is more powerful than we realized. It actually drives time. This is breathtaking. As CO2 increases, the date also advances. Experts believe that increases in CO2 will force next year to be the largest year ever – beating the old record … Continue reading

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The Inside Dirty On Texas Politics

Twenty four years ago today, Saddam invaded Kuwait. Bush Sr. responded by sending troops to Saudi Arabia in preparation to bomb Iraq military facilities. Saddam knew what Bush was up to, and responded by taking tens of thousands of European … Continue reading

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Air Conditioning Part II

My fraternity house at ASU didn’t have air conditioning. The swamp coolers kept the temperature around 82 degrees with high humidity. We had soccer practice in the afternoon at 107 degrees. Did anyone care? Of course not. We were on … Continue reading

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Air Conditioning?

During the late 1980s my fianceé was a beautiful (and hot) Mexican woman who grew up in a small house with 11 siblings in Houston. She never experienced air conditioning until she was an adult, and never thought she was … Continue reading

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