Monthly Archives: August 2014

Frequency Of 100 Degree Days In The US Down 50% Over The Past 90 Years

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Speak Of The Devil …

After complaining about the insane drivers out here this morning, I heard this on WTOP this driving home this evening. A new survey by Allstate rated DC area drivers third worst in the country after Worcester and Boston, MA The best … Continue reading

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Stick A Fork In It

For the second day in a row, there has been essentially no change in Arctic sea ice. Red shows loss since yesterday, green shows gain.

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The New York Times Expects A Water Mountain To Form Off The East Coast

You simply can’t make up the stupidity level on display at the New York Times While levels worldwide are expected to rise an average of two to three feet by 2100, they could surge more than six feet along the … Continue reading

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Jennifer Marohasy Puts BOM On The Chopping Block

HEADS need to start rolling at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. The senior management have tried to cover-up serious tampering that has occurred with the temperatures at an experimental farm near Rutherglen in Victoria. Retired scientist Dr Bill Johnston used … Continue reading

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1986 : World’s Greatest Climatologist Predicted Five Degrees Warming By 2010

SWIFTER WARMING OF GLOBE FORESEEN By PHILIP SHABECOFF, Special to the New York Times Published: June 11, 1986 Dr. James E. Hansen of the Goddard Space Flight Center’s Institute for Space Studies said research by his institute showed that because … Continue reading

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1986 : “Big League Climatologists” Said We Were Doomed By The Year 2000

In case you forgot for a minute that we are dealing with utter morons. EARTH’S CLIMATIC CRISIS EXAMINED BY ‘NOVA’ By HERBERT MITGANG Published: June 24, 1986 PICKING up where a high-school chemistry class might end, ”Nova,” the public-broadcasting science series, offers … Continue reading

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Tampering With Climate Data Is Not A New Problem

In 1907, the US Weather Bureau discussed tampering with meteorological data. They described it as a crime, and said that it was up to the “independent press” (i.e. bloggers) to repress all “cheats and hoaxes” and  “defend the truth and the … Continue reading

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Certain Facts About The Scientific Incompetence Of NASA Are Not In Dispute

From The NASA web site Certain facts about Earth’s climate are not in dispute: The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere … Continue reading

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Something Else Which Happened 45 Years Ago

Shortly after the first moon landing, Hurricane Camille devastated the Gulf Coast with sustained winds in excess of 190 MPH. This apartment complex disappeared during the storm. This photo was taken by one of the satellites which Arctic scientists pretend … Continue reading

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