The Northern Hemisphere/Arctic warmth of the 1930’s and 1940’s needed to disappear, because it wrecked the global warming scam. So Tom Karl of NOAA and Gavin Schmidt of NASA simply altered the data to make the warmth disappear. The graph below shows how they rewrote the temperature history at Reykjavik, Iceland between 2012 and 2015.
2012 version: Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
2015 version: Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
Here are the original Icelandic records showing the first three months of 1940 – Temperatures averaged 1.6C, 1.7C and -0.2C respectively.
(h/t RobertV)
Tom and Gavin needed to get rid of that warmth, so they subtracted 3.2 C from the measured temperatures for all three months.
Their data tampering created a 100% fraudulent hockey stick of warming – needed by Barack Obama to push his climate change scam.
The warmth of the 1940’s and subsequent cooling was well documented. In 1939, Glaciers from Greenland to Norway were facing “catastrophic collapse”
But by 1975, Arctic ice was rapidly expanding and blocking Icelandic seaports. Just as the unaltered temperature data showed.
The NOAA/NASA/CRU temperature records are fraudulent – generated by political hacks posing as scientists.
From: Tom Wigley <[email protected]>
To: Phil Jones <[email protected]>
Subject: 1940s
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:25:38 -0600
Cc: Ben Santer <[email protected]>It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip, but we are still left with “why the blip”.
Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise… Can you also email Gene [Wahl] and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address. We will be getting Caspar [Ammann] to do likewise.
Cheers, Phil
Hopefully the next president will clean up this massive fraud being committed by government agencies.
By extension they are saying to Icelandic MET folks we are smarter than you. Since there was a USnaval airstation at Keflavik during that time frame there would be records from there backing up the originals. Proper temperature is needed to ensure take off and landing parameters are met.
The Icelamic State in International Science…
Those are your tax dollars at work.
Waiting for the CAGW response. Three, two, one….
“A little error like that does not matter. After all, Iceland is only less than one percent of the earth’s surface. Besides, all you have done is show that the data was adjusted; we all agree that the data was adjusted!”
Called it within two minutes. You’re good.
Do you have the skills and temerity to study the issue in depth and publish a peer-reviewed paper about it? Or perhaps you don’t like things being done rigorously?
[SG : Peer review in climate science is a complete farce]
Do you have the skills and temerity to study the issue in depth and provide a peer-reviewed paper refuting NV? Or perhaps you don’t like things being done rigorously?
1- List all climate forcings, order them from most to least effectual, and then quantify them all.
2- Please provide even one peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.
There is nothing unusual or unprecedented about our climate, or how we got here. For 4,500,000,000 years climates have always changed, naturally. This means there has been a set precedent, and the burden of proof falls on natural climate change deniers like yourself.
Remember this from waaaay back?
cfgjd says:
December 9, 2015 at 3:27 pm
Submit to a Journal or it does not exist…simple rule.
So refutation of natural variability “does not exist”! 😆
cf….you’re a hoot!
It is clear cfgjd,that you have no counterpoint to Steve’s presentation using Gavin and Tom’s own work which is NOT peer reviewed by the way.
Glad to see cfgjd has no answer to this post. And we can be sure he won’t seek one based on factual evidence either. Fact is, if the Team had an answer to all the evidence of tampering Tony provides, one of them would be here giving it. CFACT certainly has to be right up there in the top five of their enemies list of organizations which they would desire to discredit and destroy. And this site of theirs is the one that puts out arguments with evidence as a counter to their scam nearly every day of the year. Day after day, one post after another, Tony drives home the message of their fraud by digging up publicly available empirical evidence and presenting it in a form that even a dumb ass truck driver like me can understand and appreciate.
Climate gate e-mail 0255
The ClimAstrologists did indeed get Dr. De Freitas fired from the journal and tried to get him fired from his university.
Wall Street Journal
However when the shoe is on the other foot and you are part of the ‘TEAM’ the journal editors will bend over for you.
Climate gate e-mail
AHHHhhhh the joys of doing peer-review! SUCH gentlemen these ClimAstrologists are.
Climate gate e-mail 3556
Seems Mann is not the only one who wants other scientists who do not agree with them fired.
Climate gate e-mail 3646
Dr Landsea gave up and left.
I wonder how many views this site gets in a day, in a year. ?
Do you have that information available, SG ?
When you look into the the records of well-sited stations, the lack of warming is obvious, as is the effect of adjustments. My study of USHCN stations meeting the CRN#1 standard is here, with supporting Excel workbooks:
Nice job but it won’t convince the true believers the AGW brown shirts and Common Core jugend.
From Ron’s “Science Matters” blog. (Perhaps if you called it “Scientists Lives Matter”) it would get more of the attention it deserves!
“Recently I updated that study with 2014 data and compared adjusted to unadjusted records. The analysis shows the effect of GHCN adjustments on each of the 23 stations in the sample. The average station was warmed by +0.58 C/Century, from +.18 to +.76, comparing adjusted to unadjusted records. 19 station records were warmed, 6 of them by more than +1 C/century. 4 stations were cooled, most of the total cooling coming at one station, Tallahassee. So for this set of stations, the chance of adjustments producing warming is 19/23 or 83%.”
If a doctor bills Medicare for more complex procedures than were actually performed, Medicare calls that fraud even if the billing is accidental. They demand the payment back and will prosecute if the fraud was systematic and intentional.
The government needs to hold anyone paid by the government, as employees or grand funded, equally accountable. First they demand that the salary/grant funds be returned, and if the fraud is systematic, prosecute. The precedent has been set.
Heck the newest twist is the IRS walks in and just seise your bank account.
No muss, no fuss, no due process or criminal charges! They do not have to do anything but talk to a judge and get a siezure warrant.
Civil Asset Confiscation: The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Can Now Seize Bank Accounts On Suspicion Alone
It is a real catch 22 because if you do NOT put your money in a bank and keep a loty of cash around then the cops can grab the money and run with it under Civil Assest Forfieture.
You don’t need ISIS to destroy western society. Nobody can do as much harm to a country and its people as an out of control government.
All forms of direct taxation gives the State the right to know everything about you. You now are a number and numbers don’t have rights.
This tells you you are a slave.
great name they gave it ‘ U.S. Individual Income Tax Return ‘ so it sounds good like ‘Patriot Act’ .
Taxes have been shifted FROM corporations TO individuals. Not that it matters since the corporations will just pass the tax on to the consumer.
In the 1980s I figured out the actual overt taxes I paid. It was 64.5% of my income. This does not include the 51 taxes on a slice of bread or the banks lending fiat currency printed on the spot and getting your labor in return.
I figure most middle class people pay 80 to 90% in tax if they could add it all up. The price on most goods are at least 50% tax. (If you rent you STILL pay property tax not your landlord.)
As RAH how much his rig pays in taxes. ALL of it is passed on to the consumer.
Reblogged this on The Arts Mechanical and commented:
The Temp doesn’t fit the narrative? the temp must be wrong!! It needs to be “adjusted.”
On the site below is an another example, how temperature history is manipulated by GISS.
Glaciers in Iceland are losing ice…must be the alleged but unproven tampering again.
Glaciers in Iceland have been losing ice for 10,000 years…must be your ignorance showing again.
Care to share the peer review work you claimed? I mean someone needs to follow your reviews, and correct all the obvious errors. It would be our pleasure I’m sure.
Gee, a volcanic island that sits on an active hot spot known as the “Icelandic Plume” and is split pretty much down the middle by the diverging boundaries of two tectonic plates has some glaciers melting? Say it ain’t so!!!!!!!
Oh.. look , just as predicted by the AMO
And from other parts of the world..
Again we see the COLD patch around 1979.
It seems that cfool is on the wrong side of TRUTH yet again. Ignorant twit that he is
try that link again
And some more
“One of the best known Icelandic surging glaciers is Brúarjökull, a major outlet glacier in the north-eastern part of the Vatnajökull system. It had major surges in 1810, 1890 and 1963-64. During the 1890 surge, the ice margin advanced about 10 km over a period of few months (Figure 14). Subsequent to the surge, the ice front became largely stagnant and the glacier retreated until it surged again in 1963-1964. Brúarjökull stands as a textbook example of glacial landsystems created by surging glaciers (Evans and Rea, 2005), and has in recent years been extensively studied for the purpose of understanding causal links and effects of glacial surges (”
Notice the periodicity of the surges. 60-80 years.
Just about due.. and the AMO has just reversed, and the scientists in Iceland say it looks like the glaciers will start to expand this year.
ok, show of hands….
who really gives a flying crap about glaciers in Iceland
The only glaciers I ever gave a crap about were those that I skied upon, and those that left breathtaking scenery after melting. I really appreciate those deceased glaciers most of all.
I only care if they start accumulating major amounts of ice.
Why ever anyone is worried about melting, when it is a mile of ice sitting on top of Chicago or Scotland that is the real climate problem, escapes me.
This vegetation map of the Wisconsin Ice Age says it all:
Not many places that are not desert, semi-desert or covered in ice! You can see why Putin thinks CAGW is crap. Cold is the bigger threat and the colder it gets the worse the drought in northern Asia will become.
Putin was born in October 1952 so he would have lived through and been aware of the late 1960s early 1970s grain crisis. ( He joined the KGB in 1975. His dissertation was in economics, titled “The Strategic Planning of Regional Resources Under the Formation of Market Relations”)
Not to mention the 1980s grain crisis On January 4, 1980 President Carter cancelled contracts for the sale of 17 million metric tons mmt) of U.S. corn, wheat and soybeans to the Soviet Union. link
We well fed people of the industrial west have little knowledge of Food as a Weapon or its importance to the stability of third and second world nations.
Is this not scientific fraud and most inimical to rational decisions by governments and the IPCC! This weakens the “global warming argument yet again and joins the demise of the Mann hockey stick, the Wessex U environmental distortions and failure to release questionable data to critics and the lack of significant temperature increase for almost 20 years despite a rise in atmospheric CO2 of 15% suggesting little caus-effect relationship!
Remember its about the real world truths and not the unsupported computer models!
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