Daily Archives: December 12, 2015

New York Times Finds A New Chief Fraudster

The New York Times has treated James Hansen as God for three decades, with over 350 articles featuring him. His Bold Statement Transforms the Debate On Greenhouse Effect – NYTimes.com But now, Hansen calls the Paris talks a fraud. James … Continue reading

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The Frequency And Extent Of US Heatwaves Has Plummeted

Hot weather in the US used to occur much more frequently and cover a much larger area of the US than it does now. Summers in the US were much hotter prior to 1960

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The Paris Agreement Is Based On Fraudulent Data

The Paris agreement is based on fraudulent temperature graphs, like this one from CRU which shows more than 1C warming in the Northern Hemisphere over the last century. HadCRUT4.png (630×728) Compare that to this National Geographic graph from 1976, based … Continue reading

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Obama’s Goal Is To “Force” You To Cut Back Your Modest Lifetstyle

Final Draft of Global Climate Change Deal Is Complete – WSJ The US Constitution makes it abundantly clear that Obama does not have the authority to enslave the American people with his climate insanity. [The President] shall have Power, by … Continue reading

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Climate Fraudster Of The Day – Julia Slingo

James Delingpole reports that Julia Slingo of The Met Office is blaming heavy winter rain on “climate change” Global warming is not to blame for northern floods says James Delingpole | Express Comment | Comment | Daily Express Had she … Continue reading

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