Daily Archives: January 27, 2016

Climate Realists In 1937

“Going to Nebraska to hunt elephants this summer?” New Yorkers of the distant future may ask one another, if the climate returns to the average of the last 500 million years. Nebraska once looked like this. 26 Dec 1937, Page … Continue reading

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1963 Cartoon : Coming Ice Age To Kill 99.5% Of People

28 Mar 1963, Page 16 – at Newspapers.com

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1937: “by using hand-picked evidence, we can prove almost anything about our climate”

  26 Dec 1937, Page 35 – at Newspapers.com

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50% Was Simply Not Enough

Obama was angry that Bush only raised the debt by 50%, so he increased it by 100%. Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Fiscal

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Ambush Averted

The press in America have gotten worse than Soviet Pravda.

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Ravages Of The CU Professor Brain Beetle

A few years ago progressives were hysterical that pine beetles were going to kill all the trees in Colorado due to global warming.  Here is another fine study by a brilliant CU professor. 25 Mar 2012, Page 2 – at … Continue reading

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Climate Science May Force Student IQ’s Downhill

We have a big snowstorm forecast for the weekend here in Boulder, which reminded me that our two snowiest Februaries have occurred in the last three years, with last year nearly doubling the previous record. Eight years ago, a couple … Continue reading

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“You’re Fired”


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