Democrats “Believe In Science”

By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.

  • Galileo Galilei

Last night Martin O’Malley announced that “Democrats believe in science” right before he said that “we” can make the electrical grid 100% wind and solar by the year 2050. I’m not sure who “we” is, but I am pretty sure that the sun doesn’t shine at night and that the wind doesn’t blow all the time. Only a complete, utter moron would base the grid off of intermittent low intensity energy sources.

In 2008, science believer Robert Kennedy Jr. blamed the demise of Virginia snowfall on Sarah Palin.

Palin’s Big Oil infatuation
Los Angeles Times
September 24, 2008


In Virginia, the weather also has changed dramatically. Recently arrived residents in the northern suburbs, accustomed to today’s anemic winters, might find it astonishing to learn that there were once ski runs on Ballantrae Hill in McLean, with a rope tow and local ski club. Snow is so scarce today that most Virginia children probably don’t own a sled. But neighbors came to our home at Hickory Hill nearly every winter weekend to ride saucers and Flexible Flyers.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

When he was born in the 1950’s there was very little snow, but a sharp drop in temperatures from 1955 to 1960 led to a large increase in snowfall in the 1960’s – which is what he remembers. Since then, DC area snowfall has returned to normal levels.


Washington DC is facing  the possibility of a monster snowstorm later this week, with my favorite cycling destination right in the middle of it.

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There has been no long term trend in temperatures or snowfall around DC, and also no change in the frequency of hot days.


Democrats confuse science with superstition.  They refuse to look at facts, and instead rely on their own echo chamber propaganda as the basis of their beliefs.

In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.

  • Galileo Galilei

Science is not a belief system. It is a process which requires thought and discussion to progress – not censorship sand dogma.

It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved.

  • Galileo Galilei

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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58 Responses to Democrats “Believe In Science”

  1. The snow piled up when These States and the Soviet Socialists were touching off atmospheric H-bombs. The gap in the hot days spans the Mississippi Valley flood of 1927. Hmmm…

  2. R Shearer says:

    Bernie pointed to 65F and no lake ice in Vermont around Christmas as proof.

  3. john says:

    Dems ignore science to teach evolution and not allow creation in public schools. Many Republicans ignore science too. Something out of nothing? How “science”? Countless positive random mutations to create the many wonders of creation including the obviously miraculous human body? How “science”? Read revelation 16 for some real climate change predictions.

  4. gator69 says:

    No they don’t…

    They believe in their “cause”.

    • AndyG55 says:

      Over the USA, the trends in USCRN and USA relevant UAH are almost exactly the same.

      As USCRN is the ONLY even spaced, uncontaminated surface data in the world, and is also validated by radiosondes, , this provided a very ‘ROBUST” sample VALIDATION of the satellite data retrieval algorithms.

      You LOSE, Dessler. !!!

  5. Latitude says:

    He was also too young to remember all the people whose lives were in danger from that snow….
    ….what kind of idiots pine away for extreme weather?

    • Gail Combs says:

      “….what kind of idiots pine away for extreme weather?”

      Someone who was a kiddie having fun building snowmen and sledding but missed out on the collisions maiming you for life. Someone who was too pampered to walk home from where the school bus was forced to let you off four times further from home than normal due to the unplowed roads. Almost dying as you tried to walk home in a blizzard on that unplowed road.

      I was 6 years old and tiny for my age at under forty pounds and less than 3 feet tall. (I wore clothes for a two year old.) The snow was up to my arm pits or more. I never did make it home. My worried parents used our big labrador retriever to find me when my brother showed up and I did not. I normally used X-country skiis to get around in winter to keep from sinking in over my head. (I was living in up state NY where the storm track off the lakes dumped snow.)

    • Latitude says:

      well….everything that isn’t sunny, 75, and a light breeze……the call extreme weather
      ….and at the same time “the ski industry is doomed”

      These people were dropped repeatedly on their heads

  6. Richard Lee Stevens says:

    Do you know what the definition of a complete idiot is? It is someone who has never produced a single kilowatt hour of electricity in their entire lives, thinking that they know more about producing electricity than highly educated people who have produced trillions of watt hours of electricity .Apply this definition as you see fit..

    • Gail Combs says:

      A power systems engineer commented:

      “Letting non-professionals get involved in the power grid is like giving the keys to the family car and a bottle of whiskey to a 14 year old boy and his pals. If the renewables were viable, we’d adopt them by the train-load and build them so fast your head would spin.”

  7. ren says:

    TPW (Total Precipitable Water) | total amount of water in a column of air
    stretching from ground to space.,58.77,455
    TCW (Total Cloud Water) | total amount of water in clouds
    in a column of air from ground to space.,58.77,455

  8. Richard Lee Stevens says:

    You know. The idea of using solar power to power the grid at night was examined in 1968 by a research firm. Their solution was to place satellites in geo-synchronous orbit and beam the solar power back to Earth using microwaves. It only took 50 square miles of antennas to collect the power for just one geo-synchronous array. This idea died when the Space Shuttle launches cost 100 times the original estimate. It was actually seriously proposed to place mass drivers on the moon to project material from the moon into geo-synchronous orbit to assemble the vast solar power arrays in space. This idea died when Jerry Brown would not give up on ruining California to move to the moon.

    • What an incredibly stupid idea.

      • Richard Keen says:

        A stupid idea if it’s actually tried, but a brilliant idea if it’s written by Arthur Clarke and George Lucas does the movie about it. Think about it… Some president doesn’t get re-elected, or his two terms are almost over, so he gets pissed and has the microwave beams aimed over a corn field – 50 square miles of popcorn! Or over a city that lost him the election – 50 square miles of popped heads!
        The special effects would be right out of AGW “public service” ads.
        I hope I’m not giving anyone some ideas here.

      • Rosco says:

        Some Japanese scientist proposed circling the Moon’s equator with solar panels using the same microwave transmission idea.

        I just can’t get over stupidity like this – it is mind boggling and imagine the costs for probably 25 – 30 years of power – or do people think solar panels defy every known fact of science and last forever ?

        • Gail Combs says:

          Think of all the micro-meteors pitting the surface of the solar panels. link

        • gator69 says:

          Circling the Moon’s equator with solar panels? Why not wind turbines?

        • Gail Combs says:

          SHHHHHH, Gator,

          Bernie Sanders will want to fund that if he gets into office.

        • Ted says:

          I’m still waiting for the solar powered rockets, to get the panels up there.

          Seriously, just imagine the power required to get that many solar panels to the moon. It’s debatable whether even panels installed here on earth will ever produce more energy than was used to make them. This has always been my problem with environmentalists. I agree 100% with their goals. (at least the publicly stated ones) But their utter innumeracy leaves them unable to see how incredibly horrible most of their proposed “solutions” are.

        • Gail Combs says:

          There is a major difference between
          1. A Conservationist and an Environmentalist (Eco-nut)
          2. Animal Welfare and Animal Rights

          Both the Environmentalist and the Animal Rights Activist have the shared goal of reducing humanity to serfdom to the status of animals where no one is allowed to own property. They care nothing about animals or the environment. Those are only the sheepskins tossed over the wolf to disguise the totalitarian goals and con the ‘ignorant and conscientious stupid’ into supporting them with money and numbers. (88.3 percent of the animals that PETA took into custody were killed within 24 hours in Virgina last year. ) SEE: PETA KILLS ANIMALS

          As one wit said.
          “If you can not OWN property, you ARE PROPERTY”

          Are you PROPERTY of the STATE? Or is the goal of the State to protect the rights of the individual. It really is that simple.

          Unfortunately most people never consider the state from that point of view. The rally cry is always ‘The state should pass a law’ and another chunk of our rights disappears forever.

        • Jason Calley says:

          Solar panels on the Moon? We already have a biofuels industry making ethanol. Why do we need two ways of producing moonshine?

        • Jason Calley says:

          Looks like we may have another approach to inexpensive and low tech solar panel design. Not a sure thing until you see ’em for sale on eBay, so keep all fingers crossed.

          Mounting them here on Earth makes more sense than putting them on the Moon — especially if they are cheap to manufacture. Lots of land in North America, Asia and Africa that could be improved by having solar panels provide some more shade along with the power.

  9. scott allen says:

    I hope Betty Midler is happy with me. I didn’t drive my SUV all last week, thus lowering the CO2 level, so now she can freeze her rather large hinnie off this week, but I know she will never thank me.

  10. Beale says:

    I’ll tell you who O’Malley means by “we”. He means the wicked capitalists, the self-same private sector that his kind denounce and persecute. He believes that they have the power to work miracles.

    • Oliver Manuel says:

      Totalitarianism (communism, fascism) usually comes disguised as a cure for social ills.

      In this regard, I would appreciate your opinion of a new worldwide movement directed by Stephen Dinan: “The Shift Network:”

      I am cautiously optimistic, but I was also uncautiously optimistic when I supported Greenpeace and the United Nations in the past.

  11. Oliver K. Manuel says:

    Totalitarianism (communism, fascism) usually comes disguised as a cure for social ills.

    In this regard, I would appreciate your opinion of a new worldwide movement directed by Stephen Dinan: “The Shift Network:”

    I am cautiously optimistic, but I was also uncautiously optimistic when I supported Greenpeace and the United Nations in the past.

  12. rebelronin says:

    as a (desperate to escape real America) Maryland resident
    having observed Mr. O’Malley in person
    It’s my opinion that Martin has no beliefs whatsoever
    except the belief in Martin

  13. Snowleopard says:

    Here’s how it looks to me (ymmv):

    Belief is about accepting a paradigm promulgated by authorities.

    Science is about determining facts from unknowns, either directly or by applying critical analysis to the work of others. We either know or we do not. For the grey area (converting the unknown to the known) we have preliminary hypotheses, working hypotheses and theories, NOT beliefs.

    Many ideas commonly perceived as facts are actually theories with flaws; but schools (indoctrination centers?) have taught theory as fact long enough that the majority do not recognize the difference. It seems many of today’s so called scientists are trained to defend rather than question a paradigm which has essentially politically determined boundaries. Thus we have “scientists” with beliefs and belief in “science”; or science as a political religion.

  14. Andy DC says:

    I lived through the “non-existent” global cooling of the 1960’s and 1970’s in the DC area and it was very real. The normal January temperature dropped around 2 degrees and snow was much more frequent. Then it rebounded and got back to pre-1960 normals. Is that catastrophic warming?

    • Richard Keen says:

      I lived through that “mico ice age” of the 1960s, too, in Philadelphia. That snowfall “dip” in the 1950s was memorable – I got a sled for Christmas when I was 5 or so, and couldn’t use it until I was 7 because there was never enough snow. The winter of 57-58 (el Nino) had three big snows and that sled got plenty of use then, but by the time those cold, snowy winters from 1960-61 on came along, I was a teenager and too cool to be seen sledding.
      ‘”I bought a sled in ’96 for my daughter,” said Dr. Michael Oppenheimer, a scientist at the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund. ”It’s been sitting in the stairwell, and hasn’t been used.”
      So Imy Dad’s son lived Oppenheimer’s nightmare scenario half a century before he feared it for his daughter.
      Years later I wrote my thesis on that climate shift around 1960, attributing it to a shift in the North American trough-ridge pattern and the jet stream. I missed the AMO because it wasn’t known at the time, and made no mention of CO2 because it was irrelevant.

  15. Richard Keen says:

    September 24, 2008 By ROBERT F. KENNEDY Jr.
    In Virginia, the weather also has changed dramatically. Recently arrived residents in the northern suburbs, accustomed to today’s anemic winters,
    1782, Notes on Virginia, Thomas Jefferson
    A change in our [Virginia] climate is taking place very sensibly. Both heats and colds are becoming much more moderate within the memory even of the middle-aged. Snows are less frequent and less deep.

    Now, RFK Jr. is NOT to be equated to Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was astutely observing the demised of the LIttle Ice Age, while RFK was creating a fantasy that was easily destroyed the winters a very few years later.

  16. Rosco says:

    My personal favourite is the “Frigid Space” at 4 Kelvin nonsense. At Mars’ orbit NASA tell us the solar radiation has a power of ~589 Watts per square metre.

    Can you even imagine the volume of a sphere of 49,581,719,587,414,916,568,750,231 cubic kilometres continuously full of radiation with a minimum power of 589 W/sqm and yet still be stupid enough to call that “frigid space”?

  17. Drcrinum says:

    Regarding the upcoming potential snow monster along the East Coast, it is worth it to listen to Joe Bastardi’s update on WeatherBell Analytics for January 18.

    • RAH says:

      Yep! If Joe is right there is a good chance their is going be another one after this one before the end of the month with each worse than the one before

  18. au1corsair says:

    It’s easy to get 100% solar/wind power now! Just dispatch your Imperial Storm Troopers to destroy all outlawed fossil fuel and hydropower plants right now. True, you’d go from billions of megawatts to a few kilowatts, we’d look like North Korea power-wise, if not Antarctica, but we’d be 100% solar/wind electric!

    Simple! Even a Democrat could get it!

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