January 26, 1950 : 146 Degree Spread Across The US

On this day in 1950, half of the country was above 60F and the other half was below 0F. Rio Grande City, Texas was 96 degrees, and Bloomington, Indiana was 78 degrees. Glasgow, Montana was -50F. A spread of 146 degrees across the US on the same day.

Screenshot 2016-01-26 at 12.58.35 PM

If that happened now, all three Democratic candidates would call for immediate world communism to fix the climate.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to January 26, 1950 : 146 Degree Spread Across The US

  1. Wow! Just thinking about what Joe Romm would write makes me laugh!

  2. Gail Combs says:

    Oh my goodness Global Weirding!

  3. Jason Calley says:

    If it happened today the response would be “this has never happened before!” Even if you showed them the records, they would nod once or twice and then say “this has never happened before!” If you were old enough to remember it personally and vouched for it they would say “this has never happened before!” Even if THEY were old enough to remember it themselves, they would still say “this has never happened before!”

    And if you kept on showing them the historical precedents they would say, “when you have educated yourself in Science, you will understand that this has never happened before!”

  4. Andy DC says:

    If that were to happen today, leading climate scientists would demand the burning at the stake of at least one climate skeptic a day to appease Gaia!

  5. RAH says:

    This didn’t happen. Nothing happened before I was born. The whole world is here because of me and revolves around my life.

    • Jason Calley says:

      Hey RAH! I realize that you are commenting tongue in cheek — but crikey!, that really hits close to the mind set I hear from true CAGW believers. There have been polls that show that climate sceptics generally score slightly higher on scientific knowledge than CAGW enthusiasts; I wonder whether a similar poll would show that sceptics score higher on history studies as well.

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