GOP Suicide In Colorado

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Colorado GOP blundered on 2016 presidential caucus – The Denver Post

Six weeks ago, I blogged how the Colorado caucuses were a fraud. At the time, they were fixed for Rubio, but he dropped out and the GOP gave the delegates to Cruz instead.



The GOP is disenfranchising its largest voting block, Trump voters. This will guarantee a GOP loss in November, and almost undoubtedly lead to a third party – which will likely fare better than the GOP in November,

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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141 Responses to GOP Suicide In Colorado

  1. annieoakley says:

    After giving all delegates to Cruz, Steve House, head of the GOP Colorado tweeted: We did it! #neverTrump. Then he deleted the tweet claiming the account was “hacked”.

  2. daveburton says:

    If Trump wants to win delegates, he needs to get his supporters to the conventions.

    Here in NC, where Trump “won” the Primary with a plurality (probably thanks to unaffiliated voters), he’s losing the conventions. Yesterday at the NC 2nd Congressional District Republican Convention, a large majority of the 172 delegates were Cruz supporters.

    Many of us are Cruz supporters by default, because our favored candidates are no longer in the race. Even though many of us aren’t all that enthusiastic about Cruz, we definitely prefer Cruz to the casino, bar & strip-club owner, game show host, and “Trump University” scammer. So the delegates we elected were all Cruz supporters.

    The NC delegates are “bound” on the first national convention ballot, according to the NC Primary results. So if Trump can get to 1237 it won’t matter. But if the convention goes to 2 ballots, a lot of “Trump delegates” are going to vote for Cruz.

    That’s how the process works. It’s not “fraud,” and nobody is “disenfranchised.”

    • We were not allowed to vote in Colorado. Rationalizations like this are meaningless.

      The vote was fixed by the GOP.

      • What happened when Rubio dropped out?

      • daveburton says:

        You were allowed to participate in the precinct caucuses and the conventions. If you didn’t bother, you have no voice — and no basis for complaint about how it came out.

      • MrX says:

        Yes, you could vote in CO if you’re registered. In fact, over 40% of voters were new voters. Just because it’s not called a caucus or primary doesn’t mean people can’t vote. Also, Trump was supposed to show, but when he saw the results of the earlier local caucuses, he dropped out and left CO behind. Also, he couldn’t get his delegate slate correct. There were always mistakes.

    • Dave,

      I supported Cruz from the beginning but you do not seem to know what Colorado GOP did (before any vote was cast). It is not comparable to North Carolina.

      I don’t know if it was intent or incompetence in the run up to the primaries but CO voters’ “votes” for candidates do not count.

    • Dave,

      Here is an update on the CO situation. I am not one of those people who love to say how much they hate politics. I care about policy but I recognize politics as the only alternative to war. I’m not going to take my ball and go home because of this but it looks bad and it is likely to backfire. Now, The Denver Post is a Democrat leaning paper and they have their own reason for pushing the story but here it is:

      • Hey Colorado,

        I have read the article you linked to, and what it indicates is that the Colorado party used to have a “nonbinding straw poll” in 2008 and 2012, and that the delegates selected at the caucuses were unbound to any candidate in those years. The Ron Paul phenomenon happened, which I’m sure you’re familiar with, and as a result of that, the GOP establishment banned state parties from holding “nonbinding straw polls”. In other words, if they had a vote on candidates at the caucuses, it would have to be binding. The Col. party did not like the idea of binding the convention delegates to a candidate, and an effort to institute a primary “failed amid party infighting”. The result of all this was a decision to no longer have a nonbinding straw poll. Please take note again that according to the story, the nonbinding straw poll was nonbinding before all this took place. The Colorado party had an aversion to bound delegates, and they were at odds with the national GOP establishment on this issue. So they fought back the best way they could figure to.

        So, in summary, there’s nothing in that article that suggests that people’s votes don’t count now, nor that they count any less now than they did in 2008 or 2012.

        The article states that one reason the state party disliked the binding of delegates to a candidate is because of the issue of candidates dropping out after the vote. So in that respect, they’re mirroring the U.S. Electoral College, both in the unbound status and in the rationale for doing it that way.

        A candidate to be a state or local delegate has the power to announce whom he is supporting, and if he refuses or the voters don’t trust him or don’t agree with his choice, they have the power to send someone else.

        I’ve seen nothing thus far to indicate that any delegate candidate in Colorado showed up, professed allegiance to Trump, got elected by Trump supporters, and then switched and supported Cruz at a later date. That would be something to complain about. But as far as I’ve been able to tell, the “outrage” here is that caucus-goers sent up Cruz supporters, who then voted for Cruz supporters, and the Trumpistas are all angry that they lost the state. But that doesn’t constitute fraud or disenfranchisement!

        If I’m missing something here, I’d love to be shown what it is. I know, I know, you want your delegates to be bound. But the thing is, that’s not new here, nor apparently does it have anything to do with why Trump lost the state.

        If you want some disenfranchisement to be mad about, consider that in Florida, we have 99 delegates and its “winner-take-all”, with all delegates bound … even if the “winner” has only 46%! Compared to that, I would much prefer your system! And unfortunately, we’re not likely to get it. Because when assignment is proportional — and also when there’s no binding — those things can empower the outsiders over the establishment. And things which go against the establishment are not held in high regard here. It seems you don’t realize how fortunate you are to be in a place where your state party holds reason and principle in slightly higher regard.

  3. GalfromMass says:

    This is beyond frightening and depressing. Welcome to North Korea, I mean the new United States of America. I’m at a loss as to what we can do about this cheating. Is there anything legally that Trump can do?

    Thankfully, this site, Drudge and others are letting us know about this blatant cheating, and how corrupt the establishment GOP is and how despicable they have become.

    I used to like Cruz, but now he has shown he is a power mad insider like the rest of the RINO’s. In my opinion he has turned from a defender of the Constitution to a snake oil salesman.

    • annieoakley says:

      Thank you GalfromMass. Rules of the party and Laws are not usually the same thing. Rules of the party change on a whim in Colorado and North Korea. Laws are just ‘explained’ by George Soros IMO.

  4. Drcrinum says:

    It is playing out nicely for the GOP Establishment (which hates both Trump & Cruz). First, it was the anti-Trump movement to alienate the Trumpsters. Second Phase (in progress) begins the pro-Cruz push and dealing to drive a wedge between the Trump and Cruz supporters. Then the Third Phase (at the Convention), pull the plug on Cruz. Net result: Nobody wins the early Convention votes, the Trump and Cruz supporters refuse to deal with each other, and Bingo…an Establishment Candidate (Ryan) walks off with the Nomination. Then in November, Hillary will be anointed (unless she is indicted this summer) because the Trumpsters and Cruzites will stay at home on Election Day. The GOP Establishment would rather lose the Election than give up control of its power. After all, the only party in real power in Washington is the Insider Party.

    • Latitude says:

      …I agree with you 100%

    • Edmonotn Al says:

      OK That is your claim. Thanks.
      I will copy this and put it on my calendar for a date after the election.

    • An Inquirer says:

      I do not know if Ryan would be selected, and I do not know if Ryan would win against Hillary. But I do know that Trump would not beat Hillary. It would be a devastating loss. It would guarantee a left-wing Supreme Court for the rest of your lifetime. The worst thing for freedom in this country would be a Trump nomination.

      I do not know the details of the situation in Colorado. Sometime I will read up on it. But most claims of “stolen delegates” have turned out to be false. Twelve times the leading candidate — but lacking a majority of delegates — did not get the GOP nomination. Nothing unprecedented and nothing unusual. The delegates are the ones who decide. That is the process of the political parties. One illustration of the political convention: in 1922, the Democrats took 122 ballots to select a nominee.

    • tempo150101 says:

      Except you’re missing one thing. We are on to their games and that’s why if Trump gets the nomination stolen from him, many of us are going to vote Democrat up and down the ticket. All it takes is 5% of voters doing that and the Republican Party will be taught a lesson it won’t forget for 100 years. They can’t control the sheeple anymore.


  5. V. Uil says:

    Send messages / tweets to the GOP – Colorado and elsewhere explaining

    a. They are a bunch of undemocratic turds
    b. They risk destroying the GOP
    c. They are likely to lose the election.

  6. Latitude says:

    DISGUSTING! Colorado Trump Delegates Scratched From Ballots at GOP Convention – Cruzers Listed TWICE

    The Cruz camp and GOP establishment leaders strong-armed their way to a sweep by banning Trump delegates and omitting them from the ballots… and listing Cruz delegates TWICE!

    • daveburton says:

      An obvious typo is not a Grand Conspiracy.

      In my District Convention here in NC yesterday, we had 26 delegates from my County, but somehow only 24 were counted. So when they handed out ballots for Elector, they came up short — and I didn’t get one.

      Did I scream “CONSPIRACY!!!!”?

      Of course not. I’m an adult. I accompanied the guy handing out the ballots back to the check-in table, and we went through the list, name by name, and figured out what mistake had happened, and they fixed it. (Another county had a discrepancy, too.) Eventually, they re-did the vote.

      Stuff like that happens. These conventions are run largely by volunteers, and they don’t do it very often, and many of them are first-timers. So mistakes are to be expected.

      There’s no conspiracy. It’s not like North Korea. It’s not cheating. It’s not fraud. It’s not “establishment leaders strong-arming” anybody.

      Here in NC, the State GOP leadership is currently formed up in a circular firing squad, blazing away. It’s appalling, and utterly ridiculous. But there was no cheating in the District convention voting. The delegates won who got the most votes. That’s all.

      • Dave,

        You don’t understand what happened in Colorado.

        • daveburton says:

          Did you read that article? It was complete nonsense. This is one of the comments on it:

          Harold DePalma wrote:


          These are pre-printed ballots without delegate names and that number duplication is a typo. When a scanner reads the ballot, the repeated number will be counted as 379.

          Cruz swept my state of Colorado because Cruz voters at the local caucauses last month elected a majority of Cruz delegates to the congressional and state conventions held over the past week.


          If anything, that typo would help the Trump delegate, #379, rather than the Cruz delegate, #378.

          Think about what would happen if someone who didn’t hear the announcement about the typo sought to vote for the Cruz delegate. He would scan down the ballot until he saw “378,” and mark it. Some of those would be the wrong “378,” which would be counted for the Trump delegate, #379. So the Cruz delegate would lose some votes that were intended for him, and the Trump delegate would gain some votes, illegitimately.

          But if someone wanted to vote for the Trump delegate, #379, he’d look for it and not find it. But then he’d see that there were two 378s, followed by 380, and it would be obvious that the second 378 was a typo, so he would vote correctly. So the Trump delegate wouldn’t lose any of the votes that were intended for him.

          So that error would help Trump, not Cruz. It would cause the Cruz delegate to lose some of his votes, which would go erroneously to the Trump delegate. The Trump delegate would get extra votes, cast for him in error.

          This seems very obvious, to me. The fact that the author of the article, Jim Hoft, thinks it’s some sort of conspiracy against Trump just proves he’s a paranoid delusional idiot.

        • I live in Colorado. We were not allowed to vote for candidates. The whole thing was a setup by the GOP, who originally planned to give the delegates to Rubio.

        • MrX says:

          “You don’t understand what happened in Colorado.”

          Neither do you. BTW, I donated to your site once. But this conspiracy shit is really tiring.

  7. Andy DC says:

    Cruz is an unlikable person and probably a total hypocrite on morality issues as well. I suspect that Wisconsin was a bump in the road for Trump and he will probably sweep to victory in the important states, like NY, PA, CA. When that happens, it will be difficult to deny him the nomination without committing total political suicide.

  8. gofer says:

    Colorado Trump delegate removed…..and he is angry:

  9. I am thrilled that God’s Own Partisans stabbed Donald in the back, and I don’t care why. Now perhaps some good people NOT keen on another theocracy or workers’ paradise will realize that the Libertarian Party has the best platform standing. We want to WIN by using chessboard pawn power and spoiler votes to repeal bad laws. Your vote for either wing of the entrenched kleptocracy is only 1 in ten million%. Spoiler votes for long-haul 3rd parties are worth one in a million%. Since the GOP have taken a powder already, you might as well exercise some integrity. Freedom is choosable!

  10. Jim Keil says:

    Folks, there’s a YouTube video showing a GOP delegate burning his registration papers. I also was a Colorado GOP delegate in 2010 at the state convention in Loveland. I’m as fed up as he is now.
    We need to replace the GOP. I’m damn serious. I had thought about this for sometime – how the structure and a platform for a new political organkzation that would elect candidates for federal office would take place
    I live in Longmont, Colorado. My email address: [email protected]. Let’s meet/discuss.
    Too many people are sick of this and the time for complaining is over.

    • Russ Wood says:

      As an Englishman, I wonder why the USA only ever seems to allow two parties to contest elections. I mean, over in UK (I’m ex-pat) there can be dozens, including the Monster Raving Loony Party (who occasionally win a local seat). Anyone willing to enlighten this Pommie as to why only TWO?

      • “Seems” is the operative word, Russ. Other parties are allowed to contest in most states; however they don’t do well and, unfortunately, are often ignored by the mainstream media.

        One possible explanation is that sticking with two parties is just easier, and most Americans today don’t have the patience and intelligence for something more complicated. Plus they tend not to be as interested in politics as people in other nations, and let’s face it, it takes a lot of dedication to start and maintain a successful party, especially in a country of this size.

        Actually, in my view there’s no good reason today for having a two-major-party system, or duopoly as many of us call it. The present system came about during the Civil War and probably had a lot to do with the exigencies of the war and the post-war Reconstruction period. Later, as the U.S. rose on the international stage, there were furtive attempts (mostly on the Left) to start serious third parties, but it seems to me that the perceived need to project the image to other nations of power, stability, and (relative) unity tempered the natural impulse to “specialize” or differentiate based on issues. The Cold War reinforced that pattern, and on the conservative side of things, a siege mentality set in in the 1950s and 60s in which it was felt (with good reason) that to tolerate any differentiation into multiple parties, while the Left remained relatively united with the Dems, would be political suicide.

        Today, while there’s a degree of interest on both sides in having a multi-party system, there is still the reality that the country is very polarized ideologically, and neither major party is really strong enough to weather a split unless the other one were to do so at the same time, which is not likely to happen. There is also the reality that the lifeblood of any successful party is its corps of wealthy donors, and the wealthy interests on both sides generally don’t feel motivated to support a new party. So, while we see a constant parade of mediocre, poorly funded parties that are routinely ignored by the mainstream media, we haven’t seen anything that could be called a significant third party since the 1856 elections.

        Then, you’ve got the real outsiders — people like me who’d prefer that there were no parties officially recognized. On the rare occasions when we dare to reveal our preference, we’re treated as untouchables by all of the parties, and sometimes subjected to terrible abuse for our views.

        Another factor (this is seen as the principal factor by many, though not by me) is the Electoral College which elects the President and Vice President. This body is constitutionally required to show an absolute majority of votes for a candidate in order to elect that candidate. Theoretically, this is possible to do in a multi-party system, but it might prove hard to implement because it would require a large majority of states to make major revisions to their election laws simultaneously — changes which would benefit a new third party at the expense of one or both of the existing two major parties. In light of this reality, it might be argued that the framers of the Constitution had, in a sense, hard-wired a two-party system into our politics. But I’m not aware of any proof that they had this in mind when they devised the Electoral College. I used to think it was true, but today I find it more plausible that the Electoral College was envisioned to function in a non-partisan environment and that it was the states who, at the behest of the new Federalist and Democratic parties, cooked up a system of laws that has helped to reinforce the two-party system for most of our history.

  11. GalfromMass says:

    To me this is very simple, we gave the Republicans the Senate and the House, they promised they would fight the current Administrations non-Constitutional bent, its purge of the top military leaders, its gut of the military budget, the new banking transaction restrictions, repeal Obamacare and on and on. How did they reward us for voting them into office? They stabbed us in the back and gave this Administration everything it asked for, what a bunch of weasels.

    They think we are stupid and going to be doormats forever. I am so furious at what I see going on now with the Republicans continual lying and stabbing us in the back. Why would I vote for one of them again? They cannot be trusted.

    Trump is a businessman, he said he has a comfortable life, he asked himself why did he take this on, this abuse, and he said it was because he loves this country and wanted to make a difference. I don’t know how he has lasted this long with the establishment Republicans and Democrats continual vicious attacks. Add the liberal mainstream media not reporting the truth, hating and sabotaging anyone who is not a Democrat. The windbag fools on the Cable news channels, ripping the police every chance they get, well they would be screaming like little girls for the police and dialing 911 if someone was attacking them, the phony windbags are real brave when they are in a studio with security guards.

    I am sick of all of them including Cruz, he can hold up and wave the Bible all he wants, how a person acts towards others and is not a liar is more important to me than a man who uses, in my opinion, the Bible as a prop.

  12. Don says:

    One wonders what promises Cruz is making to RINO’s and Beltway types. Selling his soul to keep Trump from a first ballot win?

  13. gator69 says:

    Thanks to all of this infighting, we will have another democrat as POTUS come 2017. Congratulations to you all.

    • The GOP made a decision to sabotage their largest voting block, and they carried it out. Guaranteeing disaster. This has nothing to do with infighting.

      • gator69 says:

        My comment was not directed at you Tony. I have asked only one thing of everyone since Trump became a viable candidate, and that is for republicans to act like adults and defeat the democrats, and that is not happening. Republicans are their own worst enemy.

        • myrightpenguin says:

          gator69, there is one person responsible for this far more than anyone else. That person is Cruz with scorched earth tactics. If he was a grown up and really looking out for the GOP to defeat Hillary he would have settled for VP, to put him in a good position to become president in 8 years. I sense he’s in with the donor-class establishment that wouldn’t mind Hillary becoming POTUS, far from it.

        • gator69 says:

          Sorry Penguin, but you are part of the problem. Instead of attacking the real threat, you attack the alternative. Republicans are their own worst enemy.

        • scorched earth tactics

          Sorry, Penguin, let’s take a look at some facts about what’s actually happening among the “grown ups”:

          Trump’s new convention manager: Cruz is using “Gestapo tactics” to win delegates

          Note that the “Gestapo” answer here is preceded by Chuck Todd playing video of Roger Stone threatening to send pro-Trump mobs to delegates’ hotel rooms for “discussions,” the sort of intimidation tactic that the actual Gestapo would recognize and appreciate. How’s Manafort supposed to spin that? Well, by following his boss’s playbook: Gaslight, gaslight, gaslight. Pounding down a delegate’s door isn’t what the Gestapo would do; circulating a slate of handpicked delegates at a state convention, now that’s Gestapo tactics. Who are you going to believe, Trump or your lying eyes?

          As gator said: Republicans are their own worst enemy. Instead of attacking the real threat, you attack the alternative.

        • myrightpenguin says:

          Sigh, I’m not sure why the two of you think you have the right to be so sanctimonious in passing down judgment on another person. I’m closer to Steve (Tony) on this. You both are entitled to your opinions, and so am I.

        • gator69 says:

          (sigh) There is no opinion needed, or given from me. If either democrat gets into office we are toast. What part of this do you not get? If anybody really believes that Cruz or Trump would be worse for the future of this country than either democrat, they need serious help, and a one way ticket to the socialist country of their choosing.

        • Absolutely, you are entitled to your opinion.

          Scorched earth? Gestapo tactics?

        • myrightpenguin says:

          Gator, you don’t know what you don’t know. It doesn’t matter. Many absorb information over time and eventually figure it out regarding Cruz (i.e. Obamatrade, Iran Deal, etc., – a Bush operative who has been playing kabuki). It cannot be forced on people in one bolus. Please don’t bother replying again, I’m not interested.

        • gator69 says:

          So if Cruz is the republican candidate, you will help elect a democrat?

          Just trying to figure out how nuts you are.

      • myrightpenguin says:

        Gator, I just can’t get over how stupid you are. Do you know how many Cruz supporters are going around with #NeverTrump, and yet you are having a go at me. Why don’t you ask why Cruz isn’t telling his supporters to abandon that meme?

        At the moment this is Trump vs. Cruz, but you don’t want to talk about the substance because you are clueless.

        • myrightpenguin says:

          I also note how I was talking about Cruz, and not about my vote. How the conversation was steered in that direction is interesting. Instant deflection to avoid talking about Cruz and his weaknesses. A cult following with amazing double standards and hypocrisy. Many are thankfully snapping out of it slowly, as they absorb information with an open mind.

        • gator69 says:

          I will note again, that it is only you who is attacking republican candidates. You are the problem. Seek help and a one way international flight.

        • gator69 says:

          What I have noticed, that you have not, is that I am attacking neither Cruz nor Trump. I also notice you just don’t get it. I am beginning to notice your nomenclature.

        • myrightpenguin says:

          If this article is about voters feeling disenfranchised, it is perfectly fine to talk about how candidates are contributing to this and inflaming it. You were just too dense to understand this. Dummy.

        • gator69 says:


          Project much?

          I am not so stupid as to burn bridges, bridges that would allow escape from far leftists.

          And I thought you said you didn’t care if I responded. 😆

        • myrightpenguin says:

          Gator, you have been very sanctimonious and coarse from the start of this conversation, and I have just responded in kind, so don’t play innocent, it just makes you look ridiculous.

          As far as talking about burning bridges you obviously have no idea how many Trump supporters have been angered by Cruz’s talk and style over the last week, and will not vote for him now. I am just one person, but I happen to know what is going on the ground. You obviously don’t know, or don’t want to know.

          Cruz is the one that is behind (by a lot), and Cruz is the one who mathematically cannot reach 1,237 once the NY Primary is out of the way. This is not about Trump and Cruz as equals, as you try to put it. To get the nomination Cruz’s path is a roundabout one, and is the one that will disenfranchise millions of voters, and that is just a fact.

        • gator69 says:

          Gator, you have been very sanctimonious and coarse from the start…

          No, I have been honest and blunt. Something a Trumper should appreciate.

          Look out, somebody is having a trumper tantrum! 😆

        • myrightpenguin says:

          My advice next time, don’t go instantly passing judgment on people, as you did with my first reply, which did not address you or your character in any way.

        • gator69 says:

          Gator, I just can’t get over how stupid you are.

          Yes, I want to defeat far leftists, I must be an idiot.

          My advice next time, don’t go instantly passing judgment on people, as you did with my first reply, which did not address you or your character in any way.

          What about the “I just can’t get over how stupid you are” reply? Should I judge you on that?

          Just come out of the closet and proudly wear your Hillary 2016 hoodie already.

        • myrightpenguin says:

          Ah, so because my point was demonstrably true you have to deflect to “honest and blunt” to excuse yourself, and yet you complain about the other person who *responded*, as if they weren’t. OMG. Forget it. You are not much more than a silly troll at this point.

        • gator69 says:

          Yes, a troll who wishes to defeat far leftists. Shame on me.

        • myrightpenguin says:

          Very interesting, none of the substance addressed, incl. the point about Trump and Cruz being far from equals as far as getting to 1,237 is concerned, and how the tactics of one to try to get the nomination via. a roundabout way is going to disenfranchise a lot more voters than the other one who has a more natural path. That’s why I brought up a Trump-Cruz ticket to *win*, something Cruz should have had in mind after he lost with evangelicals in the South (i.e. being less divisive, as Tony can also see). No matter, none of this will be addressed by Gator. He just wants to troll.

        • gator69 says:

          No matter, none of this will be addressed by Gator. He just wants to troll.

          This harrassment from the penguin all started when I suggested the GOP not commit suicide. Now I’m a troll. Makes perfect sense.

        • myrightpenguin says:

          My knowledge on these matters should show how I am involved/engaged in the process, unlike the troll who cannot respond on substance. Therefore the troll has to respond with the usual “I’m the superior constitutional conservative” bigotry when many Cruz supporters do not understand the first thing about conservatism or conservative policies, let alone the major issue of this time, i.e. sovereignty vs. supranationalism.

        • gator69 says:

          My knowledge on these matters should show how I am involved/engaged in the process, unlike the troll who cannot respond on substance. Therefore the troll has to respond with the usual “I’m the superior constitutional conservative” bigotry when many Cruz supporters do not understand the first thing about conservatism or conservative policies, let alone the major issue of this time, i.e. sovereignty vs. supranationalism.

          Yes, I am a troll for wanting to defeat far leftists. Guilty as charged.

  14. rachase says:

    My only continuing question for rabid trump supporters is a simple one: does this man REALLY represent your cultural values? If so, our civilization is in serious free fall back to the Stone Age.

    • AndyG55 says:

      No more than Cruz or Clinton , and especially no more than Sanders.

      • rachase says:

        The question was “culture”, the definition of which is readily available for those who do not recognize the term. You response does not.(if nothing else, Cruz and Sanders are at least civilized…)

        • Dave G says:

          When “civilization” is this stupid, I’m proud to call myself uncivilized.

        • AndyG55 says:

          “Cruz and Sanders are at least civilized..”

          roflmao !

        • AndyG55 says:

          A “civilised” person would stand up for a fair election.

          The ONLY way Cruz can beat Trump is by not having an election at all.

          So much for DEMOCCRACY that the USA was once so proud of.

    • Drcrinum says:

      My cultural values = what I believe to be good, right, fair and just. The most important one to me is honesty, and frankly that is the one value that is most noticeably lacking in Washington politics. Obama, Hillary, the Democratic Party and the GOP Establishment speak in forked tongues; they know not the difference between lies and the truth. I want nothing to do with them, any of them, ever again.
      Trump is a breath of fresh air. He speaks to me. He is not a politician. I feel that if I shook his hand on a deal, he would abide by it. I can’t say that about any of the others, including Cruz (sorry but the TTP and globalization issues are registered in my memory banks, and this business of stealing delegates such as in Colorado typify political-insider dirty pool). That’s my impression of Trump. If I am wrong, well…there are no other alternatives in my opinion. In the last 2 Presidential Elections, I voted against what I perceived to be the greater evil, but my enthusiasm for continuing to do that is waning as it appears to be fruitless.

      • rachase says:

        Trump honest??? Have you actually LISTENED to him as he has shifted “promises” and “allegiances” throughout his self-serving, self-centered career? Trump is loyal to one and only one person, one ideal: Donald Trump. And he has said and will say anything that will (at the moment) further that ideal! And to boot, he’s a crass, uncouth, boor.

        • Edmonotn Al says:

          The people of America came here years ago to get away from your so-called “civilized” people in their respective countries, to a land of freedom. Now you have become one those “civilized” people with you arrogance and certainty of opinion.
          Trump is popular because many are sick and tired of your “civilized” liars and hypocrites.
          Read the entry of Drcrinum above

        • Dave G says:

          And not following through on his promises…. Won’t be good for him.

        • rachase says:

          Edmonotn Al : Your alleged “logic” fails the test of rationality. But I thank you for confirming the implication of my original post. I fail t understand, though, how anyone wants our country to descend further into the morass that is Trump’s world of name-calling, obscenities, ad hominins, disrespect, pejoratives, and all that follows. (But from your post, you obviously fit in!) Especially when the man has yet to actually propose a full fledged idea replete with real, rational, details. Promising to build a fence and have Mexico pay for it sounds super to all who are apparently incapable of even elementary critical thinking. Reality rules, however. So it is with 99% of his populist-driven promises.

      • annieoakley says:

        Drcrinum : I completely agree with you (not that my my opinion matters much) breath of fresh air is important. How about we try someone who is NOT a Lawyer, educated in an elite ivy league school? Could be a pleasant surprise.

    • Since when does a president have to represent cultural values? What does that have to do with running the executive branch?

    • spren says:

      Trump certainly represents my cultural values. I want to protect the sovereignty of our country. I want to allow only those we want to be here to enter our country. I want our current immigration laws enforced. I want to prevent those who promise us harm from coming here. I want bilateral trade agreements that keep each party honest with level playing fields. I want fiscal responsibility that will prevent my children and grandchildren from being burdened by overwhelming debt that can never be repaid. I want to sustain our culture and its greatness. I don’t want to allow politicians to change it at their whim for cheap votes and labor. Why don’t you want to preserve our culture?

  15. Brian says:

    None of our “votes” count. We live in a representative republic where democratic votes don’t count, but electors/delegates do count. It’s how this system has always worked and in my opinion it is the best way. Minnesota shaping out to be the same way. Cruz delegates are moving through the conventions and once they are unbound of Rubio after the first ballet, many of them will be voting Cruz.

  16. rachase says:

    Interesting and informative! There is, by the way, at least one spot of rational, intelligent government: Australia. The Conservative government started a rebellion against the global warming nonsense, and the current not-so-conservative government is finishing it by dismantling the government’s research group that was busily engage in promoting the anthropogenic global warming scare, and reassigning the scientists to actually useful, productive research.

  17. Climatism says:

    The hubris of the RNC is daring considering Trump holds all the cards in the form of splitting the party in two, running indie, if Cleveland goes pear.

  18. Jason Calley says:

    Hey Tony! “This will guarantee a GOP loss in November”

    While a Hillary or a Sanders victory would be horrific for you and me (and the rest of the world), how is it bad for the leaders of the GOP? Seriously, look at how the Republican politicians have bent over backwards to implement so many of the Progressive policies. The Republican leaders would MUCH rather see Hillary in power than Trump. After all, on all the fundamental issues, they agree with Hillary — they only tell US the opposite to get our votes.

  19. rebelronin says:

    I don’t call them elections
    I call them what they are

    Many suggested Bernie
    Many suggested Donald
    taken into consideration and rejected
    after peer review 🙂
    it’s for our own good

  20. An Inquirer says:

    [SG: only a complete moron would believe that cheating the GOP’s largest voting block is a unifying move]

    Perhaps this type of blog is the main reason for so much disunity in the GOP, and why Hillary will win in November. Each state party — with the state government — determines the rules of selecting delegates. The method for choosing delegates goes far back in time. It is nothing that just happened. Going through the precinct caucus has been used for decades upon decades. I participated in my first precinct caucus 45 years ago. If you do not like how your state picks delegates, then work to change it. Perhaps there will be a majority of people will agree with you. But please do not post incendiary articles like this. To those who understand the process, you appear as a cry baby — who is going to grab your ball and go home. For those who do not understand the process, you inflame hatred against the one you should be supporting if you value freedom.

    • Latitude says:

      you’re talking about Hillary stealing delegates from Sanders…….right?

    • rebelronin says:

      there is considerable disunity in both parties
      the difference is the GOP currently lacks a strongman
      your point about the rules being what they are is valid
      however, these rules are obscured by the party establishments and the process doesn’t get much attention until too late in the game to raise objections
      good luck if you’re the average Joe trying to get in the club
      you’ll need a Sensei
      or a mentor
      or a fat wallet (preferably Daddy’s)
      smell that?
      that blog smell
      I like the smell of inflamed rhetoric in the morning
      smells like FREEDOM

  21. An Inquirer says:

    If Trump doesn’t understand GOP rules that have been in place for 156 years*, how will he understand the presidency? Both Trump and his supporters have taken to whining incessantly about the majority requirement. Publicly they think it should be changed to a plurality, though neither the delegate rules nor the Electoral College rules will be changed from majority to plurality.

    *Of course, rules have been modified over the years, but the underlying themes of these rules are still valid over all these years.

    • It was a fraud and I was cheated.

      • An Inquirer says:

        The rules have been in place long before it was clear that Trump would be in this position. To say that you were cheated only is like Democrats stroking the anxieties of blacks by saying that they have been cheated . . . or by saying to women that they have been cheated if they go work for a company that does not fund abortions in their health care plans. You are justifying and magnifying an emotion which is questionable under the analysis of facts — something that warmongers are keen on doing. All you are doing is stroking the flames and destroying chances of getting this country on a better course.

      • annieoakley says:

        I know I was cheated too.

  22. Trump is the worst candidate for President in my lifetime, and I’m over 60.

    He rarely gets 40% of the vote in Republican primaries, and has no hope of getting 50% of the vote in a November 2016 election.

    He will not be the Republican candidate because he is not a real Republican — he is a populist, and was a liberal for most of his life.

    He has been doing nothing to win friends among Republican Party grassroots members in the states — he just flies in, gives an “Archie Bunker-style” speech, and flies outs.

    It is a convention of the Republican PARTY.
    They can nominate anyone they want to nominate.
    They don’t have to be fair.
    They write the nominating rules.
    If those rules favor Cruz it’s because most Republicans do not want Trump!

    It will be a real Republican and/or conservative who is nominated, in my opinion, not a pretend to be a conservative, who can’t define the word conservative, who pretends his favorite book is the bible, and then repeatedly misquotes it !

    To nominate Trump is to lose the Presidency, and probably the Senate too — not to mention risking Trump will say something in the future even more outrageous than he has so far — tarnishing the Republican Party for years to come !

    If Dumbocrats wanted a prefect candidate to beat, they would want Trump: A rich, fat white man who is rude, has minimal policy knowledge, and is VERY vulnerable to Alinsky-style attacks which Hillary can do well … and Obama is even smoother with his ridicule, assuming he helps Hillary.

    Until mid-2015 I though it was impossible any Republican candidate would be worse than Hillary Clinton — if she runs against Trump, it’s hard to decide which one of them is the worst !.

    I am shocked you would tarnish this otherwise fine climate website with partisan politics.

    Trump is rude and obnoxious.

    His use of Alinsky-style tactics against fellow Republicans that guarantees, if he runs (which I doubt) he will have a lot of Republicans angry at him and staying home — resulting in the lowest percentage of the total popular vote in a two-candidate race in recent history

    Trump sounds like a cross between Floyd. R. Turbo and Archie Bunker when he talks … except HE is not trying to be funny.

    Listening to him talk, it is astonishing to me that he is a millionaire, much less a billionaire — I’ve never heard a CEO sound so dumb.

    I would prefer a S&P 500 CEO chosen as random as my next President over Trump or Shrillery.

    Trump’s speeches are mainly meaningless platitudes with little policy detail.

    He had an insufficient support team to win on the first ballot, much less winning an election.

    He was a leftist for at least 60 years of his life, and now pretends to be a conservative — a word he was unable to define when asked.

    He will get few black and hispanic votes.

    He will be lucky to get 45% of white women.

    He has NO CHANCE winning an election … unless his opponent goes to jail .. which I would like if her name is Hillary!

    His Trump University was a scam.

    He has had only surface knowledge of virtually every policy issue since mid-2015 — no sign of any learning since then.

    His plan to use tariffs to “balance” trade is the MOST ignorant economic policy since the 1930s, when it was used, and led to a trade war.

    My blog on Election 2016:

    • An Inquirer says:

      Trump would be lucky to get one-third of the female vote. At Easter at our family gathering, we examined the voting intentions of 25 male and female voters from whom the GOP nominee would ordinarily get 25 votes. 24 voters definitely will not vote for him and 1 likely will not. Disaster is looming for the GOP. The country has a better chance of surviving Hillary that the GOP has of surviving Trump. Why so many people would want to sacrifice the future of this country — because they are angry — is beyond my belief.

      • Glacierman says:

        “Why so many people would want to sacrifice the future of this country”

        That is exactly what they are doing if they vote for Hillary, or don’t vote against her.
        Hard to believe 25 out of 25 GOP voters would rather see Hillary in the White House…..maybe you are FOS.

        • An Inquirer says:

          Actually, sacrificing the future of the country is what rabid Trump supporters are doing. There will be no President Trump. If the choice is between Trump and Hillary, the nation will choose Hillary — by a wide margin. The rabid Trump supporters will undermine freedom-loving patriots in Congress — and for sure rabid Trump supporters will give us a left-wing Supreme Court that will choke us for more than a generation.
          I want to win. I might believe that a Republican congress could tame a President Trump into pursuing reasonable policies. But there will be no President Trump, no matter how much I distaste the thought of President Hillary. But President Hillary is what Trump is giving us.

      • J_A_SS says:

        Yea and a B grade movie actor could never get elected either right? I mean he was famous for divorcing Jane Wyman and acting with a chimp. And of course the common wisdom of the time was that he would start WW III, and destroy the country. And the GOP was sure that Carter would crush him in November 1980, how did that turn out?

        • An Inquirer says:

          Reagan never had the negatives that Trump has. Reagan could overcome an early disadvantage for at least two reasons: (1) He did not have intense negatives working against him. (2) Carter’s last months in office were a disaster. Not only will Trump’s negatives not going to soften, but sophisticated Democrats (aided by the media) will see to it that the negatives get even more entrenched. Democrats were not that sophisticated 36 years ago, but they are now.
          The Democrats that I know will stick with Hillary, and — even as despicable as Hillary is — they will vote for her because they want to win.

        • Cerberus says:

          What? Nonsense. You’re conveniently leaving out the fact that from 1968 – ’76, he had been a successful two-term governor of California. He had also been very active in national Republican politics since the ’60s, was widely seen as a serious future presidential contender starting in 1964, and had narrowly missed getting the nomination in a contested GOP convention against a sitting president in 1976. So yes, by the 1980s he had done a few other, more politically relevant things since his movie career ended almost thirty years before. In 1980, he was called “just a B grade movie actor” only by the most desperately partisan of political hacks. In fact, as a former governor, if he was running this year he would have been labeled an “insider” and part of “the establishment” in the GOP primaries, and would have had zero chance of winning the nomination.

      • Drcrinum says:

        What future? Your family must reside in La La Land. The current Buffoon in Chief has clearly set America on the path to become a Banana Republic in short order…and what has the Republican Establishment done to stop this madman? Not a damn thing!!! The Republican Establishment sleeps in the White House with its current occupant and goes along with everything he wants or does. If anyone is guilty of sacrificing the future of our country, it is the perpetrator in the White House and the Republican Establishment. We must vote out the Republican Establishment, and the only course of action is to vote for Trump.

        • An Inquirer says:

          President Obama has caused great harm to the country. However, there are limitations to what an opposition party can do, especially when information centers in the country (press, entertainment, and academia) are firmly against the opposition party. Without 60 votes in the Senate, the opposition party cannot undo most of what the president does. You seem to forget what progress was made (and I could list dozens of examples); rather you seem to concentrate on unrealistic expectations. It has been disappointing that the judicial system has not made a firmer stand against Obama, but the problem will get worse — much worse — if the GOP nominates Trump. Your vote for Trump now is not doing anything to help the country; it is the worst course of action.

        • Drcrinum says:

          “Without 60 votes in the Senate, the opposition party cannot undo most of what the president does. You seem to forget what progress was made (and I could list dozens of examples); rather you seem to concentrate on unrealistic expectations. ”

          Dozens of examples of progress??? Ha! Ha! You’re joking. We have no borders — we are being invaded by millions of undocumented peoples. It’s too late to save our country unless drastic measures are implemented, and even then I am doubtful it would be possible. And this has occurred when over 90 million Americans are unemployed. Our finances are supported by paper money printed by the Feds, bonds bought by the Feds, and a stock market propped up by the Feds — it’s a house of paper. It’s no longer a question of ‘if’ the house of cards collapses, but ‘when’. And you talk of progress…and then cover your tracks with inability to fight back without 60 votes in the Senate. Obama could have been easily stopped when he refused to follow the Constitution. It’s called impeachment. Refusing to fund his tyranny would have been another method. But your Republican Establishment has either NO SPINE or is IN BED with Obama…and I am inclined to think the latter (they were bought off).

        • An Inquirer says:

          Some examples: (1) President wanted to have the Son of Stimulus. He asked for a special session of Congress where he described of increasing taxes on those he calls the rich and stimulating the finances of the less wealthy. Your GOP in Congress stopped the short-sighted proposal.
          (2) Obama’s Gun Control legislation went no where.
          (3) Obama’s plans for illegal immigrants to apply for permits to stay have not been implemented.
          (4) Obama’s plans for Guantánamo Bay is about 8 years behind schedule.
          (5) Obama’s tax increases for those between $250,000 and $400,000 have been thwarted.
          (6) Obama’s raid on the U.S. Treasury for Social Security favors has been stopped.
          (7) Obama has been forced to nominate a moderate and not a left-wing “nutcase” for the Supreme Court.
          (8) GOP filed lawsuit against excessive executive actions.
          (9) Several of the most egregious parts of Obamacare have been terminated or delayed.
          . . . . and we could go on. But again, the GOP did not have as much power as needed to live up to unrealistic expectations that somehow were created for them in the minds of many people.

          If you are dismayed by what you see happening at our borders, wait until you see what a Trump nomination — which means a Hillary presidency — will do. The Democrats will rig immigration to insure Democrat control for one or two generations. And the Supreme Court will be left to Left-Wingers.

          There is no path to impeachment. There are reasons why you are angry. An athlete or a politicians loves anger in his opponent. The anger causes the opponent to dumb things — like nominate Trump.

    • AndyG55 says:

      All this stuff you say against Trump….

      And yet Cruz has to stop people from voting to beat him..

      That’s actually quite PATHETIC of Cruz.

      • Doug says:

        That’s nuttier than a squirrel turd. Cruz had exactly zero to do with system that was set up in Colorado back in August. However, the Cruz campaign consistently plans and executes within the systems that are set up by the states much better than the Trump campaign. Trump is and always has been a seat-of-the-pants campaigner with no real plan, while Cruz is a meticulous planner who pays attention to detail.

        • AndyG55 says:

          Do you deny that the only way Cruz can beat Trump is if Trump supporters are denied a vote?

          Let’s see what happen next time there is an actual vote , shall we.

        • Doug says:

          Of course I deny that. Cruz has won several states where people actually voted, including mine. Would he have won a vote in Colorado? I have no idea, but the fact is Trump has no ground game and Cruz is killing him in that regard. Trump’s supposed to be a leader, and surround himself with great people, and get things done, but his campaign consists making appearances and Tweeting. That may not be enough.

        • AndyG55 says:

          I find the fact that people are actually supporting this corruption of democracy, quite DISGUSTING.

        • AndyG55 says:

          “That may not be enough.”

          No, especially when the game is fixed against hit by a corruption of democracy.

    • wizzum says:

      Sounds like you swallowed the whole Fox talking point memo.
      If Trump is such a buffoon, unpopular with women and distasteful to anyone with two moving neurons in their skull does he literally pack his venues to overflowing and still turn thousands away?
      Why do these rallies attract women as the majority?
      Why does he have 2-3 million more votes tan his next closest rival out of the 18 that started,
      Why has he won 3 times as many states as Ted Cruz? and nearly ten times if you don’t count caucus states?

  23. GalfromMass says:

    As our former President Lyndon B. Johnson once said: “It is wrong — deadly wrong — to deny any of your fellow Americans the right to vote in this country.”

    “Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” Josef Stalin

    Seriously, why do we vote? Our votes are overruled by appointed judges, and/or executive orders, if you look at the history of every state the voters vote for something and lo and behold it gets overturned. It should not be allowed, the voters spoke. If a group does not like the way the vote turned out, then work to get the question back on the ballot for the next go-round.

    I always laugh when politicians use that “drain the swamp” hackneyed phrase. As if those crooks would drain the swamp filled with the graft and power they love so much. People say that we need to have term limits, good luck getting the crooks to term limit themselves out of a lucrative job. We already have term limits, it’s called voting, if we can trust the “vote counters.”

    News Flash – Mr. Trump wants to enforce the laws that are already on the books, but have been ignored for years. Oh how terrible of him, no wonder the “lawmakers” and some people feel threatened, he wants to do what is right for America and help Americans, why that foolish man, how dare he!

    If it turns out there actually is cheating and backroom deals to deny Donald J. Trump out of his chance to be President, he wins in this regard, he actually helped all of us tremendously. He single-handedly lifted the veil to expose the corruption of these political hacks. His getting involved in this election and the crooks perceived threat to the status quo has allowed us to see that many of our elected officials don’t care about us and they come across as self-absorbed pathological liars.

  24. So, to sum it up at the end of the day I find that:

    1. The Colorado GOP has been accused of engaging in politics.

    2. Ted Cruz is an unlikable theocratic coward and a power mad snake oil salesman who sold his soul to the RINOs.

    3. Colorado is more like North Korea than North Carolina.

    4. Cruz wouldn’t mind having Hillary as POTUS, far from it.

    5. As late as it is, I need a stiff drink.

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