Summer nighttime temperatures in Fort Collins, Colorado have increased more than three degrees F over the past sixty years.
Boulder is locate 40 miles away, at the same elevation and very similar geography. Yet Boulder has seen the opposite trend. Summer nights have cooled nearly four degrees F.
There is a seven degree discrepancy in trend between the two stations. The next graph overlays the two at the same scale. Nights in Boulder used to be much warmer than Fort Collins, but now they are cooler.
The Fort Collins weather station started out in a farm, and is now in the middle of a very busy parking lot and bus terminal.
In 1937, the station was located in the middle of a farm.
By 1950, the area was starting to get built up.
By 1969, the city had surrounded the weather station.
Now it is in the middle of a parking lot in the middle of a large urban area, which has tripled in size over the past 60 years.
Fort Collins has a major UHI problem. So how does NOAA handle it? They deduct less than one degree F, when they probably should be deducting closer to 7F.
NOAA adjustments are a farce. They massively over adjust for TOBS, and massively under adjust for UHI – thus corrupting the temperature record beyond comprehension. But it gets worse. Rather than correcting the broken Fort Collins temperatures, they massively corrupt the Boulder temperatures.