Daily Archives: November 2, 2016

Progressives Targeting Africans Again

Progressives believe African babies threaten the climate. Nothing new about this. In 1969, climate activist Paul Ehrlich proposed poisoning Africans to keep them under control. A STERILITY DRUG IN FOOD IS HINTED – Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth … Continue reading

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Will Superstition Continue To Drive Science After The Election?

Joe Romm and NOAA are pushing all the usual BS about warm weather being climate. Will global warming help drive record election turnout? The percent of the country above 80F on November 8 has declined over the past century. The … Continue reading

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BOM Announces Their Temperature Fraud Is Compatible With NASA’s And NOAA’s

I’m headed down under tomorrow to help set the record straight. BOM just released this graph, showing the same fake hockey stick which NASA shows, and no 1940-1970 global cooling. BOM cleverly deleted all of the pre-1910 Australia data. Like … Continue reading

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Undertsanding How Global Temperature Calculations Are Done

The Weather Channel is now using four year olds for their temperature reconstructions. This is a large step up, after using Michael Mann for their previous calculations.

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Something Major Going On

The Washington Post just wrote an editorial praising Trump. Chris Mathews (MSNBC) just endorsed Trump. The White House suddenly stopped criticizing Comey yesterday afternoon. This video may explain what is going on.

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