White House Unveils High Tech Green Energy Solution For Preventing Polar Vortices

ScreenHunter_1416 Jan. 09 08.31


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to White House Unveils High Tech Green Energy Solution For Preventing Polar Vortices

  1. Okie says:

    Warmists should stick their tongues on extremely cold objects to warm them up

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    OT Australia finds new creative way to tamper with temperature data?
    New way makes it look it the hottest year but really

    @ryanmaue tweeted this.
    is the 6th warmest according to @ryanmuae tweet not hottest.

    Ryan Maue ?@RyanMaue 49m
    Anybody explain why Australia reports their hottest year ever but use TMEAN=(TMAX+TMIN)/2 for daily temps? NOAA and NASA do that (no…?)
    Ryan Maue ?@RyanMaue 48m
    It’s 6th warmest in Australia if you use a daily mean rather than “degree day” type calcs. Major difference that must be mentioned up

    Ryan Maue ?@RyanMaue 44m
    @Cyclogenesis_au thanks. Using NOAA or NASA methods, Australia not close to warmest ever. It is a methods decision that is not publicized

    I do believe Ryan is right.

  3. Bob Knows says:

    O’Dumbo lies and lies and lies. Has he ever said anything that is true? I haven’t seen any truth yet.

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