Week 50 Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Was Third Highest On Record

Week 50 Northern Hemisphere snow extent was the third highest on record, and has been trended upwards by almost 10% since 1966. Climate experts tell us that snow is a thing of the past, and skiing is doomed.

ScreenHunter_1439 Jan. 09 22.17

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Week 50 Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Was Third Highest On Record

  1. I’m guessing this isn’t part of the ‘increasing body of evidence’ I keep hearing so much about.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Albedo can be a bitch when it turns against kooky alarmism.

  3. phodges says:

    And no snow on the west coast.

    The Cascades, the Sierra, and a whole state named after snow- all snowless. But I guess that shows you we are just a small part of the big picture.

    • Lots of snow coming to Washington and Oregon. How is that carbon tax working out for California?

      • phodges says:

        Good news for the Cascades! They had an early season and then nothing, grass was showing through on the runs. Hopefully the hose is turned back on…now we just need it pointed our way.

        Hell we don’t even notice a carbon tax…it must be a pittance on top of the already overwhelming taxation….California is sort of like a Stalinist theme park.

  4. Lance says:

    Interesting…AndyDC asked me some time ago about how the snow was here in Southern Alberta. Added up the winter months (d,j,f), and over the 23 years of data that i have at my site, snow fall was basically on the increase over that whole timeframe(the odd up and down)…

    • phodges says:

      Same story here in the Sierra. Data back to 1970-




    • Andy DC says:

      All totally consistent with a warming climate (sarc).

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