Most Transparent White House In History Says Polar Vortex Misbehaving – Censors Any Dissenting Questions

ScreenHunter_1570 Jan. 11 23.22

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Most Transparent White House In History Says Polar Vortex Misbehaving – Censors Any Dissenting Questions

  1. RokShox says:

    Off topic, but here’s an item to add to your list of “climate extremes” for 2013:
    USA saw fewest lightning deaths on record in 2013

  2. Justa Joe says:

    This agitprop prank pulled by team Obama isn’t going to fly. I can’t imagine anybody but the staunchest of lefties buying this show.

  3. Reblogged this on Power To The People and commented:
    To All Democrats: “You are causing pain and suffering to the poor and acting like your excrement has no odor … but at least there is some good news. People are no longer buying your story. People are realizing that if someone argues for expensive energy, they are anti-human, anti-development, and most of all, without compassion for the poor. They are willing to put the most damaging, regressive, destructive tax imaginable on the poorest people of the planet.”

  4. Dave N says:

    It misbehaved the same way 40 years ago, yet received no punishment back then. More lenient government?

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