The Wilderness Debate Goes On

Forty two years ago this month, I testified at a Congressional Subcommittee hearing in Kanab, Utah – in favor of a new wilderness area. That didn’t make me very popular with the locals.

ScreenHunter_121 May. 03 14.52

WILDERNESS AREA DEBATED IN UTAH – Ecologists and Residents at Odds on its Development – View Article –

That same debate continues today

ScreenHunter_122 May. 03 14.56

Westerners fear Obama preparing monuments land grab | The Salt Lake Tribune

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The Wilderness Debate Goes On

  1. omnologos says:

    You were Obamian before Obama!! 😎

  2. Gamecock says:

    Utah State Route 12 is one of America’s greatest drives.

  3. kuhnkat says:

    So, you ever try to find where in the Constitution the Federal Government is granted the right or power to hold land for Conservation, grazing, leasing, or other non-enumerated reasons.

    • B says:

      I forget how all that went down with TR. However, wilderness lands and such should be preserved privately. Government not only routinely mismanages the land politically at any time it can open it up to resource extraction by cronies for pennies on the dollar.

      The issue preventing private preservation is that government effectively owns all land through property taxes. Only an exception to property taxes for wilderness preservation groups could make it affordable.

  4. Eric Barnes says:

    :You could fire 4 of 5 bureaucrats in washington, save loads on the national debt and prevent stupidity like the above. The US is suffering a slow death from thousands of bureacratic tics.

  5. Billy Liar says:

    “Sahara Clubbers” ???

    Did the NYT mean Sierra Clubbers?

  6. Brian H says:

    Obama’s philosophy denies the legitimacy of private property.

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