Global Warming Makes Sunsets Appear Different

Global warming has changed the way springtime sunsets look in Michigan.

ScreenHunter_223 May. 05 18.32

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Global Warming Makes Sunsets Appear Different

  1. jimash1 says:

    hmf… the global warming makes the dirt look all white-like.

  2. emsnews says:

    Well, they are reviving Mastodon DNA….

  3. davesix says:

    A forest fire in Ontario would be more effective, however.

  4. tom0mason says:

    Global warming has changed the way springtime is in a few places –

    April 22,2013 Adjara, Georgia (Southwestern Georgia, bordering Turkey to the south and the Black Sea to the west. )
    “As a result of an unexpected snowfall affected 200 hectares of vineyards, 650 hectares of walnut (of which 120 grow large varieties), as well as 600 hectares and 650 hectares of persimmon stone fruits (tkemali,)” said Bolkvadze.

    According to Bolkvadze, 70 percent of those vineyards under the snow will not yield this year, walnuts will give only 20 % of the expected yield, and the persimmon do not even ripen – the trees are just green leaves.

    Cars rescued from heavy snow in Argentina May 2 2014.
    Snow surprised the residents in Zapala, snow surprised the residents of this town and the locals from the Cordillera region. (..) From the local weather station, Mario Rifo reported that the snow was not foreseen in the weather reports.
    “We were surprised because it was intended unsettled weather with chance of wind, but there was no mention of rain or snow… very early the sky was covered, then it rained and then the snow started.”
    May 5, 2014. Winter returns to Romania.
    Locals completely taken by surprise by snow as spring looked to have arrived.

    May 5, 2014
    National Gendarmerie personnel and police in the town of Mendoza Malargüe, Argentina, will resume the search today by helicopter. The tourists came in two trucks to a spot known as Rincon Seco. Presumably from there they departed on quads with food for one day with the intention of returning the next day.

    ”Upon leaving it was evening time and a heavy snow started, which accumulated in parts one to two meters (3 to 7 ft) of snow,” told Commissioner Luis De Miguel to Cardena 3. “Gendarmerie was able to get only 25 miles from where the vans and car they had rented.


    With thanks from

  5. Andy Oz says:


  6. Phil Jones says:

    They don’t want to hear about THIS type of Climate Change…

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