Planetary Emergency! What Can You Do To Help?

We need to put our best minds together to figure out how to stop this!

ScreenHunter_16 May. 14 22.18

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Planetary Emergency! What Can You Do To Help?

  1. Andy Oz says:

    We should sing songs and wear hemp. Maybe we should do it at the same time.

    • _Jim says:


      Hemp nuts. (No, not the ‘eating’ kind either …)

    • _Jim says:

      Per wiki: The plant appears to have many possible commercial and industrial uses, however, many of its boosters tend to promote the plant almost as a cure all, possibly beyond what would be reasonably expected. That is because they largely have a different agenda, marijuana legalization.

      Their hope is to use hemp as a sort of back door to show that their favorite plant has more uses than to get people high.

      Many of these claims stem from the book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, by Jack Herer. In it, Herer promotes a conspiracy theory that claims that William Randolph Hearst, financier (and former Secretary of the Treasury) Andrew Mellon, the DuPont Corporation, and Bureau of Narcotics regulator Harry Anslinger conspired to destroy the hemp industry because Hearst believed that it would destroy his vast timber holdings (for use as newsprint) and that DuPont’s new product, nylon, would not succeed. Meanwhile Hearst would use his newspapers to scare people about marijuana to ensure corporate profits.

      The conspiracy, while plausible does not hold water.

  2. tom0mason says:

    Switch everything off to save the planet.
    Tweet me at #switcheverythingoff when I’ve got it done. 🙂

  3. Jody says:

    As far as saving towns from raging fires:——-en–20–1–txt-txIN-Arming+homes—–

    Maybe this is why the state department is stockpiling explosives – to help the public?

  4. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Unfortunately it’s some of the worst minds who are on the job…

  5. Bob Campbell says:

    And to think that in 1921 USA only had 14 years of oil left –

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      An to think that only 13 years later there was so much crude that it was selling for 10 Cents a barrel.

  6. -=NikFromNYC=- says:

    The funniest thing I remember is that just prior to the big burst in climate “science” funding, that at Harvard in the late 90s, in the chemistry department, there was a skyway over to the geology building that had a bunch of little closet-sized offices along it that contained all the lowly climate modeling “scientists.” We never said hi to them since they never came our way. They must have came and gone through the geology complex where they have the blown glass flower museum. We had quarter million dollar microscopes to play with. They had cubicles. Ah, I found a map and here point to the skyway:

  7. Don B says:

    During the period of the graph of no global warming, one-third of all of mankind’s emissions of carbon dioxide have occurred. Some scientists are beginning to suspect Mother Nature is more powerful than CO2.

  8. The Griss says:

    They are going to have to change it to “Climate NON-change” or maybe “Climate stagnation” in the very near future if they want to keep the agenda going !

    • Andy Oz says:

      It definitely stinks. Caused by stagnating brains of the alarmists.

      • Gail Combs says:

        I thought the stench was from the other end… Oh wait first you have to remove the head…

        Do you think Cranial-Rectal Impaction Syndrome is the cause of the “stagnating brains” (and the stench) in Climastrologists?

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