Begonia Update

My Begonia appears to have survived NOAA’s hottest and most extreme year on record!

ScreenHunter_2134 Aug. 20 08.17

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Begonia Update

  1. lance says:

    Mine got hammered by hail. Oh well, will put the bulb away this winter and start again next spring

  2. philjourdan says:

    We planted some over the grave of our beloved cat. And they have thrived this year!

    • pesce9991 says:

      Cat’s are amazing animals!

      • So pesce… you can recognize that…

        … but can’t recognize data manipulation nor fraud when its presented here… nor are you able to distinguish between a “cycle”, weather, or “Climate Change”…

        Whoa.. it was 85 degrees here yesterday and clear… today we have rain, hail, and massive thunder… is this Climate Change??

  3. Robertv says:

    They love it when you talk to them. The closer the better.

  4. rabbit says:

    Who has a white tree?

  5. James Anderson says:

    Vostok, Antarctica
    8:54 PM VOST on August 20, 2014 (GMT +0600) Vostok | Change Station
    Elev 11447 ft 78.46 °S, 106.87 °E | Updated 2 hr ago
    Mostly Cloudy
    Mostly Cloudy
    -113 °F
    Feels Like -113 °F
    Wind from South
    Gusts mph
    Tomorrow is forecast to be MUCH WARMER than today.

    High -107 | Low -81 °F
    10% Chance of Precip.
    High — | Low 1830 °F
    Precip. 0 in
    Sun & Moon

  6. BallBounces says:

    The color foreground, b&w background is amazing.

  7. Phil Jones says:

    Steven… your Begonia is indeed evidence of Global Warming.

    Before temperatures rose… a Begonia would only have flourished further South… today with all the manipulated.. er, ugh… I mean hockey puck… er, ugh… say anthropogenic Mann made Climate Disruption.. well now tropical plants are comfortable in places like Maryland…


  8. That begonia is getting a bit rootbound by now. Time to bump it up into a six inch pot.

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