Now those memories come back to haunt me
they haunt me like a curse
Is a dream a lie if it don’t come true?
Or is it something worse?
that sends me down to the river
though I know the river is dry
- James Hansen speaking about his three decades of failed climate forecasts
- Barack Obama from “Dreams Of My Father”
- James Hansen from “Storms Of My Grandchildren”
- Candy Crowley speaking about her election tampering
- James Hansen speaking about his data tampering
- Lyndon Johnson speaking about the Great Society
- Jimmy Carter speaking about the Killer Bunny
- Barack Obama speaking about his 2008 promise to balance the budget
- Bruce Springsteen singing The River
You sure it’s not some more of AlGore™’s poetry?
I really regret not finding this site sooner. What a great sense of humor! Others don’t need it, but I do. Thanks and keep writing.
Guess Global Warming is True, Time Magazine said so,16641,19390102,00.html
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