Global Warming Strikes New Mexico

You know that global warming is hitting hard, when New Mexico wakes up to -33C temperatures.

ScreenHunter_374 Jan. 03 07.26

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Global Warming Strikes New Mexico

  1. Jimmy Haigh says:

    That would have been a wee bit nippy for the cave dwellers…

  2. Mark.R says:

    Thats far to cold for me.
    They should move to New Zealand for our summer.:)

  3. Bob Knows says:

    They vote Dumbocrat. They deserve all the “global warming” they can get.

  4. Tom Carter says:

    And it was minus (-) 32deg-C in Santa Fe, NM this morning, 4 January. Two-years-ago (January 1, 2011) temp. was minus (-) 37deg-C at Los Alamos National Laboratory just West of Santa Fe, NM.

  5. outdoor-enthusiast says:

    Perhaps my cycling lifestyle is to blame. I may have reduced my carbon footprint too much?

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