110 Years Ago Today – 123 Degrees In Australia

ScreenHunter_376 Jan. 04 19.38


The January 4 temperature at Goodooga in 1903, was 24 degrees warmer than this year.

ScreenHunter_376 Jan. 04 19.41

Weather Forecast Goodooga, New South Wales | Goodooga Weather | Wunderground

h/t to Ivan

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 110 Years Ago Today – 123 Degrees In Australia

  1. leftinbrooklyn says:

    But that was back when heat, and all weather for that matter, was free. Now, it’s going to cost us.

  2. Andy OZ says:

    People in Australia need to toughen up a bit like the Aussies were 110 years ago. With everyone living in air conditioned homes we are becoming soft like the Poms (the english). Soon, if the temperature gets over 30 deg C down here, the MSM will be issuing heatwave warnings.

    Here in Perth we had 7 days in row from Christmas between 37-42 deg C and nothing on the news. Sure it was hot but it’s like that every year. Melbourne has two hot days and OMG it’s global warming! What a crock.

    Here’s an interesting fact:
    Marble Bar here in WA has the proud record for number of days (160) in a row over 100 deg F. and that was in 1923 when CO2 was like 280 ppm.
    Mr Hansen – Please explain?
    Oh. That was weather, you say? 160 days in a row? Give me a break.

  3. Tel says:

    If you check the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, the Goodooga Post Office recorded its highest temperature 04 Jan 1973 of a mere 115.5 F because a lot of those very old records don’t get included.

    I note that on surfacestations.org they have the graph of the Orland station going back to 1880 and significant change between 1880 and 1900 (attributed to NASA). However, if you click through to NASA you can see that the data before 1900 has been vanished. The Wayback Machine can’t tell you when it changed because it is blocked from visiting those temperature data pages.

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