Global Temperatures Continue To Slide

The fraudsters at NOAA are making hay with claims that 2012 was the hottest year ever, while global temperatures continue to slide. December was the 17th coldest in the RSS satellite record.

ScreenHunter_155 Jan. 09 12.00


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Global Temperatures Continue To Slide

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    Warm weather for a few days in Chicago: Grove Village-IL&zip=60611
    Great for running outdoors and reducing my heating bill. I love this climate disruption.

  2. Because we are now ENSO neutral, and we haven’t been ENSO neutral for a while, current global temperatures are good approximate indicators of the underlying effects of CO2 on the atmosphere.

  3. Walter Horsting says:

    Have you seen the diving sunspot numbers and the predicted cycle 25? Great ready for cooler climates and crop failures, the oceans are turning cold after little solar heating.

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