Heavy Snow Forecast For East Texas

This is almost unheard of. Must be due to warm air streaming down from the rapidly melting Arctic.

ScreenHunter_404 Jan. 14 07.20

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Heavy Snow Forecast For East Texas

  1. scizzorbill says:

    A former neighbor from Texas once said: the only thing between the North Pole and Texas is a barb wire fence.

  2. rw says:

    Is this the Hayhoe effect kicking in?

  3. Lou says:

    We got a foot of snow at my house 20 miles south of Dallas-Ft Worth a few years ago. What’s amazing that schools were never closed early. When I went to pick up my kid from school, I couldn’t get my car up the driveway forcing me to leave it in the street. Same for most of neighbors. I’ve also learned that it’s a lot of work shoveling that much snow off the driveway and sidewalk… Never again…

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