“These semi-automatic weapons, these assault weapon, can only kill people and in fact are threats to national security. The young man who did the killing in Aurora, Colorado with the arsenal he had. He was right near the airport, right near the runways near the airport in Denver. He could shoot down airplanes. so this is a matter of homeland security… We need to make manufacturers more accountable for their product.“
Jesse Jackson: Make Gun Manufacturers Responsible for Shootings (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
Box cutters brought down the World Trade Center. Jesse should have the CEO of Exacto placed in Guantanamo. Fertilizer brought down the Oklahoma City federal building. Farmers should be waterboarded.
The left is completely insane. Shoot down an airplane? What is this guy smoking? NRA members aren’t killing people, it is Jesse Jackson’s constituency who are killing people.
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.
“Fertilizer” is bringing down this country.
Oui, c’est la merde gauchiste pour cerveaux. 😆
“Please don’t forget we lost the Twin Towers because we took guns away from pilots.” – Joe Doakes
Hypothetically how does shooting down an aeroplane compromise national security? Will the Canadians realise America is weak and invade?
Now that is too funny. 😆
The Canadians haven’t got enough problems of their own?
You can’t trust the Canuckists.
Between the Apartheid in Niagra falls and the struggle over the Rockies they are
committed to their goal of a “Greater Canada”.
We probably cannot keep them in their bantustans of Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa forever .
We shall have to strike a deal giving them part of New York State and the Jersey Shore.
/ ( tag of sarcasm)
Hmmm … Mexicans coming to Canada.
That would be a change.
Sounds like the rationale behind Ebonics.
He is a genius to the people in his audience. There is some real industrial grade stupidity out there.
You must clue us in some time on what the difference is between “common or garden-variety stupidity” and “real industrial grade stupidity.”
Garden variety stupidity is when someone does something dumb which then has its expected consequences. Industrial grade stupidity is doing it a second time to see if the outcome will be different.
The difference is that between ignorance and slowness of thought, and committment to false dogma.
Government is the threat to national security.The guns are the threat to them.
Exactly. You guys keep harping on the stupid left, the incompetent left, etc
It is not incompetence, it is oh so very purposeful.