Hunting Small Game

ScreenHunter_405 Jan. 14 22.00

Hens are always in season.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Hunting Small Game

  1. Me says:

    LMAO! I think it’s dead….

  2. kbray in california says:

    They cook faster with holes in them.

  3. Me says:

    You should get carbon credits for using that. 😆

  4. Anthony Bremner says:

    I don’t think any eco nuts are going to come to your house now after the chicken shooting! By the way, I pointed out to a top scientist at NASA GISS that most of their city temperature maps were missing the last 4 yrs of data which he was unaware of and blamed NOAA/ NCDC for the bad data. The whole site was shut down that day and now 5 days later has reopened without any maps or data. Some “technical” problems apparently. (like tampered data from NOAA?)

  5. Andy OZ says:

    Is it that cold there that you can only shoot birds inside?

    You could come down here and shoot one of these – you’d need a bigger oven!

  6. Bruce says:

    We need you Steve next time we have a rabbit plague.

    I once bow hunted rabbits during a rabbit plague (it was near Lake Eucumbene in the seventies – seriously looked like this for miles around). We lost interest after a short time since you could pick them up by their tails anyway, there were so many of them. I haven’t picked up a bow since.

  7. Andy DC says:

    Why just an arrow? Why not a semi-automatic weapon?

  8. gator69 says:

    Careful. Mann, et al, may consider this a photo threat in effigy. 😉

    Frankly I’m all for shooting them the bird.

  9. Brad says:

    Hey, you don’t state what yardage your trophy bird was shot at, the equipment you used, or how you prepared your bird. You did hit center of mass and the quarry does seem to be down for the count but, just to be sure, I suggest liberal massaging of salt, pepper, onion, and garlic followed by a high temperature source.
    BTW, I love my Mathews DXT and your site.


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