1974 : The New Normal Of Global Cooling

In 1974, the consensus agreed that global cooling was the new normal, and that much money was needed to study it. 97% of scientists understood that global cooling caused extreme weather.

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ScreenHunter_28 Jan. 23 19.10


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1974 : The New Normal Of Global Cooling

  1. gator69 says:

    “The fact is we had four decades of warming in America. Was it because of a power plant? Or was it because of guys out for a drive one night who decided they’d go eat some Mexican? What difference, at this point, does it make?”

  2. Ira says:

    the Moscow area drought might be the most interesting item in the list. I though warming caused drought, but I guess I was wrong abut that: we do.

  3. Normal and global warming in the same sentence? Hmm.

  4. sfx2020 says:


    Page 8 mentions how the early study of climate recognized the sun as the major influence. Then says
    “For some unknown reason, this importance was virtually ignored by climatologist until a decade ago.”

    Fantastic. Thanks as always.

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