Let Me Be Clear

ScreenHunter_42 Jan. 26 17.41

Let me be clear. I understand that I can’t take your guns away in one fell swoop, so I am going to do it in stages. First I will sucker you into thinking the bill won’t pass, so that you will be complacent. Then I will sucker you into registering your guns. Then after a couple more well timed mass shootings – that is when I will come take your guns.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Let Me Be Clear

  1. “Today’s politicians have no intention whatsoever of preventing the next shooting. They only care about exploiting the last one.”

    — Some replacement host guy on the radio, who I’ve been trying to figure out what his name is and so far I haven’t been able too. Frowny face.

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