No History Allowed : Only Models And Morons

Check out this exchange between a rational human being and a member of the climate Borg who believes in cylindrical air patterns.

ScreenHunter_290 Mar. 03 22.23

Extreme weather makeover: Has abnormal become the new normal? –

It sounds like Floyd Cash is a first rate douche bag.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to No History Allowed : Only Models And Morons

  1. Sparks says:

    LMAO “cylindrical” all else in context is forgiven in that comment.

  2. Dave N says:


    “That’s a great story for the kids and all, but scientists have come up with a new name for it, and it’s scary, so you better listen to me. In the past, it was all natural; now it’s human-made, and we know it is because scientists tell us it is. Because it’s human-made, it’s never happened before, and it’s cylindrical shaped”

    These loonies really sign themselves up for ridicule; the sad part is that they don’t realise that they have.

  3. “This is completely different because it is based upon the greenhouse effect”.

    That’s right. “Climate science” is completely different from science (but Floyd Cash would only translate my words as “nyaah, nyaah, so’s your old man”, because that is all that is in his head).

  4. chris says:

    Hi Steven and Co,

    Sorry for the long delay. I’ve got a number of things on the go right now so priorities, priorities. In any case, I’m back, and contrary to your beliefs, I am pretty much exactly who I say I am. I don’t dissemble. Ask anyone who knows me and they will confirm this. I’m straight up.

    I feel bad about what I said regarding Wayne Lapierre. It’s just that he gets under my skin in that way. Anyway, if it came down to it, and we were video game characters competing against each other in this crazy endeavour – him trying to get his gun into my classroom; me trying to stop him – I see it with him ending up in flames before he even reaches the door of the school as i rivet him with c-tails. Unless he’s got a sniper or two lurking in the woods, he’s done for.

    A little about me since you’re so interested. Let’s start with the basics: my parents are in their eighties and where bombed by Hitler during the second world war. I was born in Canada but they are pure British. My father carried a sub machine gun in Sinai where he was posted after joining the military, at age, in 1946 before immigrating to Canada in the 50s with his young wife. My mother raised a family in a sub-zero industrial town far from home where everyone spoke French. I’m curious, therefore, to see what my British relatives, including the ones who live in the US, have to say about England being more violent than America.

    Essentially, I’ve been trucking since the day I was born. link to bathtub photo
    I somehow managed to avoid having a chip successfully implanted when I was younger so I’ve been free to do much of my own programming. Everything I know to be true in this life, I’ve confirmed for myself through exploring in ways such as this. I’m willing to wager that I’ve done more things, been more places, seen more sights and laughed with more people than you can name or imagine. Which is of course not to say that your experiences are any less rich, satisfying, scary or whatever, but simply to state that mine have involved a wider cross-section of the world’s possibilities.
    Having been born in the sixties, I think my dna was imprinted with rules for radicals from the get-go. But we’re in a new kind of sixties now, from my perspective, so viva las nuevas reglas deles radicales. As for being obsessed, I can only say that a man with his own blog, intellectual universe, residents therein, 14 000 posts, and pyrrhic global internet presence is far more successfully obssessive than I could ever hope to be.
    Just to be clear, I did indeed arrive at your blog by accident. I was bored on valentine’s day so decided to follow a scribol link, which I’m sure you know is anonymous, to a posting on a site which I suspected might be by people who would get up my crack; I needed the stimulation for the evening’s activities. Also, I have not interacted with many, to my knowledge, deep conservatives before so I was interested to find out what they might have to say to me. I am, therefore, learning in real time about you and your supporters.

    When I arrived at your blog party and went to look for a host but didn’t find one clearly defined, I admit I got twinky. Perhaps some of you can’t blame me. I was pretty much out the door, having spewed my piece, when I suddenly found myself – that is, my post – hauled up in front of the acolyte crowds for gloating; must have been a slow news day.
    It seems that I’ve not so much poked the beehive with a stick as climbed in with the bees and insulted the honey. You are not crazy (mea culpa), so much as sour an grumpy. And you are not a hive mind at all but a collection of disparate individuals, visiting here for a wide variety of motives and anxieties. Clearly there are elders here as well, and I do not mean to show any disrespect in that regard. How could I, with parents about to die?
    The point is that you are all here in your conservative box and that I intruded, like a bad guest, into your happy space. I’m sorry for shitting on it. I actually find it quite spiffy, so my comment about manginess should be disregarded, or applied to a dingier corners of the internet. To tell you the truth, I actually enjoyed learning about your camaraderie. You’ve got some elan going on here folks. I say, without irony or anything else, that I smiled a couple of times.
    What is apparent to me, however, is that there will be no learning as long as we are masturbating our neurological certainties with “online communities” such as this. So I’ve decided to have my own blog party, if feasible, based on the concept of a libertarian-daoist debating website (kind of like ufc with ideas). I’m currently looking in to the logistics of this so it’s all early stages but I’m thinking of calling it “Next door to Steven Goddard’s”. I’ve decided on this because I’m hoping the first debate will be: “Be it resolved that the world outside of steven goddard’s conservative box is not as scary as he and his supporters think it is.” Look, I have no idea if this will work or not -finances, legalities, internationalism etc but if it does, I hope you will do me the honour of inaugurating the first of many twink-free discussions of modern reality with your ripostes to my objections.
    Pretty tapped out now so I’ll have to come back in a bit with some of my perspectives for you to chew on: history, political economy, guns, education, money etc.

    • Nerd says:

      Conservative? Seems most of us tend to be more libertarians. Not same as “modern” or fake liberals that has nothing to do with liberty.

    • Justa Joe says:

      Who cares?

    • methylamine says:

      I did glean two points though from a quick skim:
      a) Chris seems to be stuck in the old false left/right paradigm–Chris, I’m libertarian, left/right is designed to keep you moving toward a collectivist agenda. Break free!
      b) Setting up a blog is so easy I’ve done half a dozen…don’t bloviate about it, DO IT! I’d love another forum to guide the deluded Matrix denizens to a new reality.

    • NikFromNYC says:

      Obama’s re-election has turned this into an alarmist blog lacking any and all healthy sense of perspective. However, his “obsessive” output is actually an utterly brilliant variations-on-a-theme strategy that professionally avoids having the central argument about crony science corruption become buried in thousand word essays full of garishly creepy graphs of truly obscure data series that conceal the simple facts that: (1) temperature records involve undocumented and thus utterly unscientific warmist adjustments, (2) a simple average of tide gauges (Church & White, 2011) back 150 years continues to show no break in boring linear trend, and (3) the dozen or two multi-century, single-site real thermometer records that exist ( also show no break in linear trend in our high CO2 era.

  5. chris says:

    gotta edit those spaces

  6. Justa Joe says:

    According to Floyd AGW produces weather the same as normal weather, but it’s bad because it is man made. It also apparently banishes natural weather variation.

  7. gator69 says:

    “Also, I have not interacted with many, to my knowledge, deep conservatives before so I was interested to find out what they might have to say to me.”

    Too funny and sadly typical. The left does not understand the right because leftists do not listen, and the right understands the left because leftists never shut up.

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