Nani Deserved The Red card

I’ve watched the play twenty times. After the initial accidental contact on the dangerous play, Nani followed through with a malicious kick. The referee made the right decision as far as I can tell.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Nani Deserved The Red card

  1. CheshireRed says:

    For my money it was very harsh to show red. Once there was contact of boot on player technically the ref had enough evidence to dismiss. However if he was looking to give Nani the benefit of any doubt he also had ample margin to show just a yellow or – more correctly still, call it as it actually was; a 50:50 collision between two highly committed players. Sadly he chose not to exhibit restraint. In such a huge game, played in a very sporting spirit throughout, that was disappointing. When even Real Madrid apologised to United afterwards for the decision you have to wonder. It’s not the end of the world, it just feels like it. We’ve had the odd dodgy decision go in our favour in the past, this time we have to suck it up. You win some, you lose some. We move on.

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