People’s Republic Of Denver And Boulder

ScreenHunter_06 Mar. 09 04.43

A tiny land area along the central Front Range of Colorado has become diseased with mass murderers, lying politicians, drugged out left wing nutjobs, and other psychopaths. Unfortunately they make up the majority of the population of the state.

Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper has said he would sign

“I’m not in any way an anti-gun person,” the governor said.

Colorado Democrats advance sweeping gun control proposals | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to People’s Republic Of Denver And Boulder

  1. Pathway says:

    Just one term for the Hickster.

  2. Judy F. says:

    I was talking to a friend yesterday who has a daughter attending University of Denver. The young lady has a carry concealed permit and is proficient in gun use. When she went to register for Summer Classes, the powers to be ( who had a list of all students with carry concealed permits) told her that in order for her to register for classes, she has to relinquish her permit. The reasoning was that anybody with a permit cannot be forced not to carry, so she has to give up her permit. She has one semester left for a post graduate degree.

    She is unprotected for the rest of the day so she can attend a 1 hour class at DU. Unbelievable.

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