Non-Terrorist Hunting

ScreenHunter_127 Mar. 11 21.43

We found out today that hunting animals is a terrorist act – so I relented from my usual frozen chicken hunt, and took down an avacado with my 80 pound bow.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Non-Terrorist Hunting

  1. Me says:

    For a little there, I thought it was one of them Holy Hand Grenades! 😆

  2. Oh, so now we’re abusing perfectly innocent, and delicious (my main point) avocados. I can almost hear its scream 1200 miles away. (It would be interesting to see the arrow through the pit, though, once you’ve eaten the meat off around it–we were taught to eat what we killed, back in the day–to see how an 80-lb bow shot penetrates.) Next, you’ll be shooting tacos… Oh, what a world, what a world. Now I’m hungry.

  3. Brad-DXT says:

    So that’s how you make guacamole? Where’s the cilantro, onions, and tomato? Maybe for your next shot huh.

  4. Anthony S says:

    I suppose shooting a flightless kiwi wouldn’t have been very sporting.

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