UK Achieves The Green Dream

Greens have dreamed of a cold world, with a late spring and no fossil fuel. The UK has achieved that wonderful dream.

ScreenHunter_20 Mar. 23 04.46

Snow brings blackouts and travel chaos – Telegraph

Now would be an excellent time for James Hansen to travel there and angrily demand that they stop using fossil fuels, or face a burning hot future.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to UK Achieves The Green Dream

  1. Iggy Slanter says:

    Its like a forced Earth Day, all the time.

  2. Johnbuk says:

    Yes it’s bloody freezing today in Nottinghamshire. Looking forward to the blackouts so that we can feel good about ourselves and the Green Taliban can tell us we haven’t been poisoning Gaia lately. We keep warm by burning £10 notes – costs the same and cuts out the middle man.
    Tomorrow the BBC will tell us that its the fault of the Government for not investing in more windmills and solar panels (really useful at the moment). What joy!

  3. Chuckles says:

    Al Gore was in London 3 days ago.

  4. Manfred says:

    Oh you nay sayers…it’s obviously cold due to CAGW! Suck it up. One acquires the government with the policies one deserves. Whining doesn’t count – voting is where it’s at. THE mission is to make toxic greenie clap trap, non-PC. If the declining temperatures continue, despite the incessant ‘it’s warming catastrophically’ mantra, the rock and a hard place will make its presence felt – crushingly.

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