More Early Spring For DC, Chicago

Last year, climate experts told us that the weather in Chicago and DC proved that the planet had died of overheating.

ScreenHunter_186 Mar. 29 06.36

HAMweather: 6 to 10 Day Temperature Outlooks

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to More Early Spring For DC, Chicago

  1. mkelly says:

    How can a temperature be a % above or below normal. On what scale are we talking. If normal is 0 F or C how can you be a % of 0.

  2. Bill Gannon says:

    Slightly of topic, but not by much. In November 2008, a writer for a newspaper in England wrote and article about “Are cold winters a thing of the past”? Pretty sure that he now wishes he had never written it.

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