December 1861 – January 1862: California’s Great Flood
Beginning on December 24, 1861, and lasting for 45 days, the largest flood in California’s recorded history was created, reaching full flood stage in different areas between January 9–12, 1862.
The entire Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys were inundated for an extent of 300 miles (480 km), averaging 20 miles (32 km) in breadth. State government was forced to relocate from the capital in Sacramento for 18 months in San Francisco. The rain created an inland sea in Orange County, lasting about three weeks with water standing 4 feet (1.2 m) deep up to 4 miles (6 km) from the river.[1]
The Los Angeles basin was flooded from the San Gabriel Mountains to the Palos Verdes Peninsula, at variable depths, excluding the higher lands which became islands until the waters receded. The Los Angeles basin lost 200,000 cattle by way of drowning, as well as homes, ranches, farm crops & vineyards being swept-away.
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Seems to happen from time to time…
In A.D. 730, Glasgow was inundated by an overflow of the Clyde, and 400 families were drowned.
In 1108, Flanders was inundated by the sea, and the town of Ostend totally immersed.
In 1446, there was an awful inundation in Holland, occasioned by the failure of the dikes.
In 1483, the Severn overflowed for ten days, and carried away men, women, and children in their beds,
In 1530, there was another general inundation in Holland, caused by the breaking of the dikes.
In 1717, 1800 inhabitants were drowned by an overflow of the Elbe, and incredible damage was done at Hamburg.
In 1787, 2000 persons lost their lives in Navarre, by the torrents from the mountains.
In 1816, in Germany, 119 villages were laid under water.
In 1830, incredible damage was done by an overflow on the Danube. At Vienna, the dwellings of 60,000 inhabitants were laid under water, and many lives lost.
In 1840, an awful inundation occurred in France. The Saone poured its waters into the Rhone, broke through its banks, and covered 60,000 acres of thickly populated territory.
etc… etc…
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Reality check:
Due to the increased CO2 component in the rain, one inch of rain today is equal to one foot of rain in the 1800s.
Experts claim mann-made climate change is to blame for the current Californian drought. They also tell us mann-made climate change increases precipitation.