Four years ago Obama was riding on top of the world, and blew it.
Four years later he is mired in a scandal which dwarfs Watergate, and a bored press corpse is likely to turn on him for lack of anything else to talk about.
The press killed the evil Romney, and are left with a void of no hope, no change and worst of all – no story to tell their clientele.
I wish I shared your optimism of the press to hold Obama accountable. It won’t happen. This is an opportune moment for the press to demonize the right as paranoid naysayers. THAT will be the story.
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And soon without a job !
Two generations after Watergate, it is hard to imagine the American people finding the worst possible details of Benghazi of more than a passing interest. Just don’t interrupt the bread and circuses.
Yes, a majority are in complete denial of reality, and refuse to see the evil — in fact, the hysterical delusion — they are actively, emotionally embracing. Much like the Germans embraced Hitler — and when it was all over, and Germany had lost the Second World War, they all said they “didn’t know” (just as Obama “didn’t know”, for 20 years apparently, that his close friend and mentor Jeremiah Wright was a preacher of hate).
There is a complete refusal in the press to look at Obama objectively. It is a classic case of the Emperor’s New Clothes.
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 7:01 AM, Real Science
Why Romney lost:
“If this election proves one thing, it is that the Old America is gone. And, sad for the world, it is not coming back.
I am fortunate enough to say that part of my lifetime was enjoyed during America’s peak. It is over. The default position of humanity is not freedom, but slavery. It takes bloodshed to find freedom, but slavery is always there for the indolent.
Yep. What most-likely is coming back, though, is a world of pre-American dominance. Remember when World Wars were all the rage?
They’ve gotten what they asked for…they will not like it.
It will be ugly.