Climate Quiz

  1. Would you be willing to buy $10 per gallon gasoline to pretend you are doing something about the climate?
  2. Would you be willing to give up 20% of your income to pretend you are doing something about the climate?
  3. Would you be willing to live without hot water or electricity in the winter to pretend you are doing something about the climate?
  4. Would you be willing to drive a golf cart to pretend you are doing something about the climate?
  5. Would you be willing to give up your vacation to pretend you are doing something about the climate?

Grist says that 77% of Americans would answer yes to the questions above.

  • A large majority (77%) say global warming should be a “very high” (18%), “high” (25%), or “medium” priority (34%) for the president and Congress. One in four (23%) say it should be a low priority.
  • Six in ten Americans (61%) say the U.S. should reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions regardless of what other countries do.
  • A large majority of Americans (88%) say the U.S. should make an effort to reduce global warming, even if it has economic costs.

2012: Hot, costly, and ready for action (on climate change) | Grist

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Climate Quiz

  1. Andy DC says:

    The brainwashing has apparently taken hold. Who would believe it?

  2. gator69 says:

    77% should be enough to cover the bill. Now they can leave the rest of us alone, and collect “needed” money from the many volunteers. Problem solved.

  3. DarrylB says:

    Yes I would to number four! But you have to fly me to the golf course this winter where I will have done something to change the climate around me.

  4. roscomac says:

    I sat exams in November 1968. Many days were extremely hot and one set a record for November of 38.6 C – 101 F – this is Spring remember Summer hits late December. The station recording this was close to the ocean so it was substantially hotter 10 or so kilometres inland where I attended school.

    That record has not been beaten since although one day in 1980 approached it.

    2009 “seemed” to be the last noticeably warm year – hell it exceeded 31 C – nearly 90 F – in mid August which is our “winter”.

    2010, 11 and 12 have been noticeably cooler no matter what the officials claim.

    I’m not prepared to give anything or concede anything to climate alarmists until there is a frank and open discussion on the “settled science”.

    Isn’t it funny the BBC spent a shedload of money trying to hide who attended an alarmist seminar while the information had previously been published on the Net ??

    They really aren’t very bright.

  5. Billy Liar says:

    I see what you’ve done here – the 77% morons don’t realize they’re voting for $10 gas, 20% more tax, unreliable energy supply, an auto with the size and range of a golf cart and no vacations. 🙂

    Action on climate change is not communicated very well, is it?

  6. kuhnkat says:

    Maybe 77% of people who would answer a GRIST poll!! 8>)

  7. Dave N says:

    I doubt any tabloid will change from asking questions that give them the result they want.

    It’s Yes, Minister all over again..

  8. johnmcguire says:

    Lies , damn lies and statistics . 100% of the people I polled believe I should win the lottery .

  9. savebyj says:

    Does agreeing not to fart in public count? I am asking because the wife has been trying to get me to stop so doing so would be a twofer.

  10. cdquarles says:

    I say NO to all 5 as well.

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