When scientists fail spectacularly, they get tenure, wide acclaim, a possible Nobel Prize, and perhaps even a well paid position at the White House.
When engineers fail, we get this :
When politicians ignore engineers, we get this :
NASA is now run by politicians and scientists.
“NASA is now run by politicians and scientists.”
How does one tell the difference these days?
That’s easy. Politicians lie and then take your money, Scientists lie and then take….. oh wait, there isn’t much difference. Sorry.
I thought that scientist were a little brighter – they take your money first, then lie.
Scientists learnt that by being all political, that the public money gravy train was never ending. All you had to do was………….. via use of statistics, rig the temperature record and promulgate and prove the existence of a fiction – thanks to educational dumbing down –
it’s like…………. it is as easy as stealing candy from babies.