English Gales Are Caused By CO2

27 Nov 1888 – GALES IN ENGLAND.

27 Nov 1928 – GALES IN ENGLAND




    Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 – 1954) Tuesday 25 October 1949 p 1 Article
    … GALES IN ENGLAND LONDON, Oct 24. (A.A.P.)- Gales, which flooded inland areas and endangered many homer on the south coast died out in most places early to-day, wjth the exception of a few areas in Scotland. However, the Weather Office warns that more gales and rain may come to-morrow night … 50 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.177)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.177)
    Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 – 1954) Wednesday 14 March 1888 p 3 Article
    … GALES DALES IN ENGLAND. Terrible gales raged yesterday in different parts of England and along the coast. The extent of the damage has not yet ascertained; but already alfCa’Jy several wrecks are reported.’ ?’ ‘ … 35 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.165)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.165)
    Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 – 1954) Saturday 14 January 1911 p 3 Article
    … GALES IN ENGLAND. Severe gales have raged over parts of England, and have been particularly severe vere along the coasts. Scores of wreeks have been reported, and there, have been numerous fatalities. The lifeboat at Deal, in attempting to get off to a wreck, was driven back and capsized ashore. … 75 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.14)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.14)
    The Longreach Leader (Qld. : 1923 – 1954) Friday 17 February 1928 p 10 Article
    … HEAVY GALES SWEEP ENGLAND. As , . AB the result-, of heavy heavy, gales which swept f * England last week-end, and which reached [ a velocity of 104 miles an hour, the highest ever recorded In the country, 11 persons were killed and considerable damage done by the . hurricanes and also by the … 102 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.112)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.112)
    Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 – 1954) Saturday 17 December 1927 p 40 Article Illustrated
    … GALES IN ENGLAND. SCENES OF WRECKAGE. photos 1. 2. 3, Cental News; 4. Times. During recent gales in England much damage was done in the north-western districts. 1. The pier at Morecambe, where the … railway line. 4. A crane which collapsed in Southampton Row, Central! London during the gale. … 83 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.102)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.102)
    The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 – 1954) Friday 20 March 1914 p 7 Article
    … GALES IN ENGLAND. Violent gales have been experienced on the and south coasts of, England land and on the Irish coast. Hundreds of -if houses were unroofed at Queenstown. The Swedisli bargue … The captain and four men were drowned or killed. During the gale II.M.S. New Zealand, the gift … 140 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.088)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.088)
    Northern Territory Times (Darwin, NT : 1927 – 1932) Tuesday 27 November 1928 p 5 Article
    … GALES IN ENGLAND On Friday England experienced another severe gale which did much damage. Shipping was badly buffeted and several vessels were forced to call for help.’ A New York message states that the negro who armed with a hatchet has been terrorising the inhabitants of Omaha; Ne- braska; for … 183 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.042)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.042)
  8. Gales Batter Flooded England
    The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 – 1950) Saturday 21 September 1946 Edition: FIRST EDITION p 1 Article
    … Gales Batter Flooded Sat-Britain’s Britain’s worst summer in nearly ly 70 years readied a climax yesterday when storms andgales caused floods, damage and casualties throughout the country. The Air Ministry reported that gales of 100 miles an hour were sweeping the south-west coast, while gales of … 342 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.02)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 6.02)
  9. Gales around England. London, Friday.
    Albany Advertiser (WA : 1897 – 1950) Saturday 8 October 1904 p 3 Article
    … Gales around England. London, Friday. Equinxial gales have been raging on the British coast, causing numerous shipwrecks and several fatalities. … 20 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.539)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.539)
    Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 – 1899) Wednesday 9 October 1889 p 2 Article
    … SEVERE GALES IN ENGLAND. Disastrous gales. causing many shipwrecks wrecks and loss of life, have swept over the United Kingdom. The telegraph lines have been interrupted in many districts in England and Ireland. … 33 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.479)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.479)
    The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 – 1950) Friday 16 October 1891 p 3 Article
    … SEVERE GALES IN ENGLAND. The gales in the English and Irish Channel, nel, reported still continue. The harbor extension works at Dover have been while inland many trees have been uprooted and houses blown down or injured, and many rivers have overflowed their banks. … 44 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.453)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.453)
    The Inquirer & Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 – 1901) Friday 16 October 1891 p 5 Article
    … SEVERE GALES IN ENGLAND. The gales in the English and Irish Channel, nel, reported still continue. The harbor extension works at Dover have been while inland many trees have been uprooted and houses blown down or injured, and many rivers have overflowed their banks. … 44 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.453)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.453)
    The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 – 1956) Friday 27 December 1929 p 5 Article Illustrated
    … FIERCE GALES IN ENGLAND. -(Duli. Alirmr, pli du ) The sea around the coast of England was thrashed into fury by fiercegales recently. These illustrations show, left-the damaged sea wall at Hastings, and right-huge seas sweeping across the front at. St. Leonards. … 43 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.38)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.38)
    Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1885 – 1954) Thursday 16 December 1948 p 1 Article
    … GALES’ DAMAGE IN ENGLAND LONDON. December 14.-While While a gale swept the English Channel, thunderstorms thunderstoims caused local flooding, and a whirlwind unroofed houses in many parts of Britain. London registered a tempera ture of 59 degrees to-day. This was only three degrees below the … 57 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.33)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.33)
  15. Gales, Seas Lash Southern England
    The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954) Friday 11 February 1949 p 4 Article
    … Gales, Seas Lash j Southern England LONDON, Thurs. (A.A.P.).- (A-AJVl.- ‘ Gales, with winds estimated at more than 50 m.p.h., lashed the south of ; England yesterday. . Heavy rain blotted out visibility \ cn the Channel, and monster seas : battered harbours and piers along the South Coast. Warm … 89 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.324)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.324)
  16. Heavy Gales in England.
    The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 – 1893) Tuesday 24 November 1891 p 7 Article
    … Heavy Gales in England. One of the most terrific gales which have swept over the British Isles for … all the more remarkable that the loss of life it has occasioned has been relatively slight. The gale … over the north of Ireland, sou’westers swept the Irish Sea, and southerly gales roared over … 441 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.286)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.286)
  17. Severe Gales in England.
    Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 – 1904) Saturday 8 June 1895 p 3 Article
    … Severe Gales in England. From English files to hand we learn of the effects of the terrific gales which swept; over portions of the country in March last. A severe gale, causing loss of life in many … west, south-west, and north coasts. On Sunday sooth westerly gales and strong winds were experienced on … 956 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.254)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.254)
    Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 – 1915) Saturday 25 March 1899 p 8 Article
    … VIOLENT GALES IN ENGLAND. The* English winter has been marked by gales storms of extreme violence following ing, in quick succession in the last two months. The last commenced on February ll, .and … reports that it is the worst voyage- he experienced for 40 years,’ There waa a succession of head gales … 834 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.254)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.254)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to English Gales Are Caused By CO2

  1. Andy DC says:

    Don’t forget 1703, which is considered the worst English windstorm in history. Massive wind damage in London and other major cities, 8,000-15,000 killed, whole forests destroyed. That was before the evil internal combustion engine was even invented.

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