Hamas Collateral Damage Strategy

Hamas launches missiles at Israeli civilians from locations next to schools and hospitals, so that Israeli anti-missile operations will kill civilians – and then useful idiots at the BBC and New York Times will show pictures of dead children.

This strategy has worked for decades. Progressives assume that anyone of darker skin is too stupid and helpless to understand or take responsibility for their own actions.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Hamas Collateral Damage Strategy

  1. gator69 says:

    The blood of the brown children is also on their hands. Don’t START nothin’, won’t BE nothin’.

  2. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Voted into power by a people who think they deserve to be a nation.

  3. miked1947 says:

    The blame for this fiasco lays at the feet of those who supplied the rockets to Hamas.
    It is also the fault of those governments that provide support and funding to Hamas.
    The only way for a truce is for Hamas to stop firing rockets and dismantle them.
    Israel has no business “Negotiating” for a cease fire and they should do all within their power to destroy Hamas ability to launch terror attacks from Gaza.
    The people living in the Gaza Strip have them selves to blame for being victimized by their own acts.

  4. RobertvdL says:

    The leaders on both sides don’t care about their people. They all love power and war is perfect to achieve that goal.

    • You apparently don’t know much about Israel.

      On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Real Science

    • miked1947 says:

      Since the 1940s Israel has done everything it could to live peacefully in that region, Except for withdrawing all Jewish people from Israel.
      They have rightly stood their ground.
      Only one side has been the aggressor all these years. That is the people that belong to the religion of “Peace” and promote “Terrorism”.

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