Hansen 2007 : Sea Level Rise 50 mm/Year

In an interview on Australian ABC Television program, The 7.30 Report, James Hansen, a prominent NASA climatologist, predicted the liklihood that the earth will pass a tipping point resulting in Sea Level Rise of up to a metre every 20 years.

NASA Climatologist Predicts Disastrous Sea Level Rise : Indybay

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Hansen 2007 : Sea Level Rise 50 mm/Year

  1. tckev says:

    Fraudmeister-in-chief in Australia stirring-up more despair, doom and guilt on the masses. Like a medieval demonic soothsayer he arrives to crush your populous with lies…

  2. Andy OZ says:

    “Bring out your dead”
    “But I’m not dead yet”
    Thump. “He is now!”

    Is this the plan of the “medieval demonic soothsayer”?
    : )

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