LA Times Takes Sea Level Stupidity To A New Level

By David Helvarg  November 27, 2012

With 3.5 million Californians living within three feet of sea level, and the best available science projecting a 3- to 5-foot rise in sea level for the state by 2100, doing nothing would be irresponsible.

California confronts a sea change –

Sea level has been falling in California since the start of satellite measurements 20 years ago. The best available science is that there will continue to be no sea level rise in California.

Satellites show sea level flat or falling along the entire Pacific coast of the US

And nobody lives within three feet of sea level along the coast of California. They get 10-30 foot waves several times every winter and tides much higher than three feet. David Halvarg gets the full stupid award for the day. He has no idea what he is talking about.

h/t to California may fall into the sea | and Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to LA Times Takes Sea Level Stupidity To A New Level

  1. swampsniper says:

    WITOIDRICSAS!! (When In Trouble Or In Doubt Run In Circles Scream And Shout)

  2. Andy OZ says:

    In Queensland and New South Wales, local councils on the coast have stopped issuing building permits for beach front property due to the imminent risk of Sea Level rising. They are actually stopping people bulding beach front housing. Needless to say the councils are not lowering the land rates after they trashed the value of the rest of the beach front property.


  3. philjourdan says:

    MOST of those people already live below sea level. But not in the sea. The interior valleys of California are below sea level, yet dry land. A few mountain ranges keep the water out.

    Do not expect the coastal papers to understand that fact. Their universe consists of the city limits in California.

    • scizzorbill says:

      The only California valley and also dry land is Death Valley with a near zero population density. Next is the land under the Salton Sea which is protected by the 60ft elevation rise at the northern end of The Sea of Cortez.

      • philjourdan says:

        Virtually the entire Imperial valley is at or below sea level. It is a rift zone (just as Death Valley is). And as you note, it is protected by mountains. If you have ever seen the coast, there is not much in the way of a shore. The mountains start at the waters edge. So the only part they can be talking about is the interior valleys.

    • scizzorbill says:

      I was born in San Diego and lived there most of my long life. I own property 18 miles west of the Salton Sea. If there is any land in the Imperial Valley at or below sea level it would be found next to the S Sea. The Ocean shoreline to the west is substantial enough as there has never been any flooding in my lifetime. The land rises quickly and terminates at the Coast Range.
      Your first paragraph in the original post is not true. Most Californians live along the coastal strip, not in those non existent below sea level valleys as you claim.

      • philjourdan says:

        I would not call Brawley next to the Salton Sea (it is close). But you can see a silo just outside of town that shows you exactly where sea level is – about 30 feet up. Indeed, you can travel to Calipatria, Imperial, El Centro, etc. and see signs that show negative elevation. If you want to say that the entire valley is close to it, you would be correct. But most of the valley is below sea level – or a few feet (as in less than 5) above it.

        If you read the article it says “3.5 million”. As there are over 35m in California, that clearly shows that “most” are not near sea level. A drive along the coast highway verifies that fact as it is high above the surf line. Most of the sea shore is a thin strip that is public, not private. The coast is a slope leading to the sea from the foot hills of the mountain ranges that run up and down the length of California.

  4. scizzorbill says:

    Propaganda is not fact based.

  5. “…and the best available science…”

    Obviously one’s opinion on what is the best available science varies. I have a sea frontage home currently under construction. On my list of concerns this issue is hovering somewhere around zero.

  6. F. Guimaraes says:

    Seems strongly influenced by the El Ninos: the downward trend will probably continue in the foreseeable future.

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