More Good News For James Hansen

Hansen believes that the key to preventing events like Hurricane Sandy is to cut off our supply of fossil fuels.  Hurricane Sandy understood this, and did the job for us – which we lacked the will to do ourselves.

Note all the U-boats lined up for gas at an underwater fuel depot.

Climate activists should be pleased that Gaia is  healing herself, by cutting off the fuel supply in heavily Democratic states.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to More Good News For James Hansen

  1. tckev says:

    I could be worse you could have bought a Fisker Karma –

    “Approximately 16 of the $100,000+ Fisker Karma extended-range luxury hybrids were parked in Port Newark, New Jersey last night when water from Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge apparently breached the port and submerged the vehicles… then caught fire and burned to the ground. ”

  2. David Larsen says:

    Question: Is Hansen at NASA related to Lord Hansen who owns Peabody Coal? Maybe the Lord will kick extra cash to NASA for eliminating competition.

  3. barryjo says:

    “Hansen believes”…? Fine. But what can he prove? Scientifically.
    “Hurricane Sandy uderstood this..?? Sounds like a bad case of anthropomorphism.

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