The Most Sensible Tax of All
The United States should jump at the chance to adopt a similar revenue-neutral tax swap. It’s an opportunity to reduce existing taxes, clean up the environment and increase personal freedom and energy security.
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Are these people out of their flippin minds.
A carbon tax will do not of the above, it will destroy freedom and make the end user poorer, reduce jobs and lead to a major depression.
I guess if energy is priced out of the reach of the common person, it becomes “Secure”!
The end result will be major population control, the average person will be either dead or in prison. I expect to see most of the government freebie hand outs go away when the taxes dry up.
The British government changed our annual vehicle tax so that the higher the vehicle CO2 emissions the more you paid.
“The radical idea is being considered as the Treasury faces a budget shortfall caused by families switching to cars that incur lower road tax.”
Maybe they’ll resurrect the Window Tax. Result, people bricked up their windows.
And a fat tax will reduce obesity and increase good health
“The Danish government has said it intends to abolish a tax on foods which are high in saturated fats”
“But authorities said the tax had inflated food prices and put Danish jobs at risk.”
“The ministry said one of the effects of the fat tax was that some Danes had begun crossing the border into Germany to stock up on food there.”
How does taxing citizens more result in “more personal freedom.” What sort of collectivistic nonsense is that? Increasing taxes reduces disposal income and the freedom of citizens to spend or invest their money as they see fit.
By the way, CO2 isn’t a pollutant, so taxing its discharge will not clean up anything. We should award medals to companies that expel CO2 into the air — a beneficial plant nutrient that is essential to all life on earth.
Nope, externalities are one “good” when they’re “bad.” No cookies for having fertilized planet earth.
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.
That scheme would be about as successful as mandatory drug tests at the New York Times seem to be.
Recite the lies often and loud, the sheeple will assume that it is true.
Recite the lies often and loud, the sheeple will assume that it is true.
Recite the lies often and loud, the sheeple will assume that it is true.
Recite the lies often and loud, the sheeple will assume that it is true.
Recite the lies often and loud, the sheeple will assume that it is true.
Recite the lies often and loud, the sheeple will assume that it is true.
Recite the lies often and loud, the sheeple will assume that it is true.
Nazi concentration camps will benefit Jews.
Econ 101. When you subsidize a product you get more of it. When you impose a tax on it you get less of it. Do decrease stupidity we should impose a large tax on anyone voting for the chosen one.
The way the tax is proposed in this article, it would equivalent to a broad based consumption tax. This is not counter to libertarian principles, however in the real world a broad based consumption tax could not be introduced without a massive compensation package for low income earners. You would then be effectively back where you started.
But it’s based on Government sanction of non-science . It is enforcing stupidity of the population .
Its not a tax, its a mandatory tithe.
I woke up this morning to news on ABC radio of a new alliance of Greens and organic food growers wanting all food to be sourced within 150 km of where it is consumed. To reduce CO2 emissions from transport.
In other words, religious food laws.
And also a news item about the 43% collapse of investment in Tasmania because of the green tape strangled pulp mill project. A female Greens MP then came on and said we don’t need this dirty investment we have a brilliant future of investment in tourism.
So, your religious services will attract millions eh?
Venkman says it best: lady “someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.”
If that is correct it seems the Greens don’t understand anything about commercial wheat production and economies of scale. Most greenies, though, tend to be inner city urbanites with limited understanding of the economy or much else.
Here’s a link.
I wonder how the tourists will get to Tasmania?
A Vegemite factory every 300km ?
Electricty prices in Australia have skyrocketed over the last 4 years. While some of the increase is due to the need for sustenance capital on the neglected supply infrastructure, a large portion is due to this irresponsible carbon tax. On top of that, according to Australian Treasury estimates, in a decade, over 3% of Australian GDP (over $50 Billion) will be going to London to purchase carbon credits from the shysters in the “Carbon Credit” market. Not only is the current Australian government dumb, but it is incredibly stupid and unbelievably gullible.
I stand here gobsmacked in amazement!!!
Your site is screwed up. Most pages lock up at the first screen. Your opening article will not scroll at all. Only some of the blog links at the right work and not too well.
Sounds like a personal problem.
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Real Science
No problems here. We use rural internet and sometimes lose the connection, though, so perhaps something is wrong with your recpetion?
Extravagant taxation has brought the whole world to it’s knees……………….people who can’t afford to pay any more taxes have created an “underground economy”…….”cash only” is the new way of doing business these days and Governments which advocate a carbon tax are doomed to fail……BIG TIME!…………………..that’s reality, not “wishfull thinking”!