Obama Is Convinced That He Is Invisible

Obama has gotten away with lying about everything for his entire life, and is pushing the envelope with the Benghazi cover up.

A senior U.S. official said Petraeus’ departure wasn’t connected to the Benghazi hearing.

“Director Petraeus’ frank and forthright letter of resignation stands on its own,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic. “Any suggestion that his departure has anything to do with criticism about Benghazi is completely baseless.”

Spokesman: House majority leader knew of Petraeus matter in October – CNN.com

If there is no link between his departure and Benghazi, there is no reason for him to have been pulled from the Benghazi hearing. Had Nixon attempted anything this brazen, the press would have crucified him.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Obama Is Convinced That He Is Invisible

  1. Gator says:

    He’s using an old Kenyan mind trick…

  2. Pretending that Petraeus’s resignation closes the book on his testifying before the investigating committee simply does not compute. Period. What does his resignation have to do with testifying to what he knows; why would any responsible investigator simply stop wanting to know what he knew, and when he knew it, because he has left the administration? They supposedly have the power to subpeona him; what is their excuse for not doing so, forthwith? The insanity of blatant lies continues.

  3. johnmcguire says:

    Everyone knew before the election that Obama was willing to lie , to decieve in order to accomplish whatever his goals are . The election results put the seal on the fact that righteousness in America is a fading concept . What is to be done ? Live the best and most honest life possible , remember that God sees and judges all things , and a person answers to God for their own actions so behave righteously . And above all , if you haven’t sought the saving grace of Jesus Christ may you do so while you have the opportunity . The battle is the same no matter the era , good versus evil . The devil knows his time is getting short so he wants to cause as much trouble and destroy as many souls as he can .

  4. pyromancer76 says:

    He can’t testify as the CIA Director; I think there are laws (or policies) about that. (Yeah, a lot of fish smells wafting. But, of course, he can testify, voluntarily or under subpoena. I hope this happens.

  5. Glacierman says:

    Are you sure you don’t mean that he thinks he is Invincible?

    With the press corps working as his personal propoganda arm, and half the population completely brainwashed and dependant, he might be right.

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