Obama/Gilliard Say No To A Carbon Tax


President Obama has no plans to propose a tax on carbon emissions, a White House official said.

“The Administration has not proposed nor is planning to propose a carbon tax,” the official said.

White House says Obama is not planning a carbon tax proposal – The Hill’s E2-Wire

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Obama/Gilliard Say No To A Carbon Tax

  1. Gator says:

    Gilliard’s facial features appear to be slipping down her skull, all forehead and no chin.

  2. Andy DC says:

    A’int that cute!

  3. Pathway says:

    Obama doesn’t need a cap and trade tax. His EPA is accomplishing the goal without the consent of the governed.

  4. Chuck L says:

    Gilliard & Obama – lying, distorting,and extorting. Their promises and words mean nothing.

  5. RobertvdL says:

    Gilliard & Obama :vomit

  6. Ira says:

    Pathway is close to a bullseye: just because Obama says -he- has no plans to propose such a tax doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t quickly sign legislation to do so. And the EPA can’t really do anything to raise taxes, but they can make things a lot more expensive for the rest of us.

  7. Trip says:

    Croykey, nah that’s what oi call a Chinless Wondah!

    Never seen her speak before. Thanks, Steve. Got any eye or ear bleach?

  8. Edward. says:

    @ Pathway:

    “Obama doesn’t need a cap and trade tax. His EPA is accomplishing the goal without the consent of the governed.”

    That’s how Socialists work – welcome to the European way of instigating government combating the catastrophic warming fiction and greatest ponzi scheme………..er policies..

  9. Andy OZ says:

    Gillard lied before the last election when she said – “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead”. Then she went ahead and pork barrelled the independents to pass the new tax into law.
    Considering how chummy she is with Barack, he might have learnt a lesson from her on how to double speak during an election campaign.

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