Monthly Archives: November 2012

1915 : Before Gaia Became Angry At Us


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Doha Treaty To Restore Earth’s Climate, Prevent Future Bad Weather

Latest word from Gaia is that she will honor the treaty, and make the climate safe like it was during the 1930s. 14 Feb 1933 – NEWFOUNDLAND ORDEAL Hurricane After Tidal Wave G… 17 Feb 1937 – WEATHER EXTREMES. DUST … Continue reading

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Overheated Atmosphere Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You

10-Day Temperature Outlook

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Why Isn’t The Earth Like Venus?

Earth is about the same size as Venus, but temperatures are much cooler here. The primary difference between Earth and Venus is that we have oceans which absorb CO2 and form limestone – CACO3. Without the massive limestone deposits we … Continue reading

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We Just Want To Have An Honest Debate, Only Without Letting The Other Side Be Heard

Meet The Climate Denial Machine Blog Despite the overwhelming consensus among climate experts that human activity is contributing to rising global temperatures, 66 percent of Americans incorrectly believe there is “a lot of disagreement among scientists about whether or not … Continue reading

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Why Doha?

They should have held the global warming negotiations in Alaska, so they could all see the horrors of global warming for themselves – at the canary in the coal mine. Weather Forecast Fairbanks, AK | Fairbanks Weather | Wunderground

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Negotiating The Climate

It is difficult to get the climate to agree to treaties, as the climate doesn’t really care what a bunch of mindless deluded morons discuss in Doha. Perhaps they should start with smaller steps, like restoring the weather in Buffalo, New York … Continue reading

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Brazilians Ramires, Luiz To The NFL

If Chelsea was an NFL team, they would have six points now from two wonderful field goals by Ramires and Luiz. Ramires cleared the bar by a good 30 feet.

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Human Footprint Found

Global warming can bring heavy snow, light snow or no snow. Used to be, New England winters were big snow years or low snow years — but never no snow years. The New England skier was not raised to consider … Continue reading

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12 Straight Months Of Above Normal Antarctic Sea Ice

Today marks 365 consecutive days of above normal Antarctic sea ice. According to climate geniuses Jeff Masters and Bill McKitten, the odds against this are an astronomical 2^365 to one. A few weeks ago, NSIDC featured an article explaining how declining … Continue reading

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