Monthly Archives: November 2012

Saskatchewan Breaking All Snowfall Records

With a little under a month to go before the “official” start of winter, the city of Regina, Saskatchewan, has already broken records for its snowiest November. At a few days shy of December, the city has received between 55 … Continue reading

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London To Drown : Rahmstorf’s Nature Trick

Global warming study warns sea levels are rising far faster than we thought | Mail Online Looks like Rahmstorf used the 1990 IPCC projections (before they went alarmist)  for his baseline to compare against the satellite data, offset the y-axis of the … Continue reading

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Met Office 2004 : Warm February Weather “directly attributable to global warming”

10 February 2004 Record-breaking temperatures for February in the UK are directly attributable to global warming, according to the Met Office. On the night of 3rd – 4th February, the CET (Central England Temperature) minimum temperature was 11.2 degrees C, … Continue reading

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Flood Warning For The California Permanent Drought

Warnings for Redwood Coast, California | Weather Underground

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Back To The Future

Twelve years later, snow is no longer a thing of the past. After the wind, rain and floods Britain braces for snow as forecasters predict coldest winter for 100 years – Home News – UK – The Independent Top scientists … Continue reading

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Science Vs. Scientists

The goal of science is to find out how things work. A few people are fortunate enough to be able to make a living that way, but for the most part scientists are caught up in the search for ways … Continue reading

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Sandy Storm Surge Clears The Path For Climate Porn

Twitter / billmckibben: New sea level rise projections … The imagery from Sandy has opened up unlimited possibilities for climate pornsters. h/t to Marc Morano

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Understanding Guardian Climate Speak

This year is likely to be the ninth warmest on record, with global temperatures in 2012 cooler than the average for the past decade 2012 expected to be ninth warmest year on record | Environment | In other words, … Continue reading

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Engineering Solution To The Electric Car Battery Problem

Electric cars have to carry large, heavy, expensive environmentally destructive batteries which run out of electricity quickly, take a long time to recharge, and have a short lifespan. I propose the following engineering solution. Drive a cheap, gasoline or diesel powered car.

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Chicago Wants Truck Drivers To Switch To Golf Carts

“The city is encouraging companies to invest in electric vehicles in order to incrementally improve Chicago’s air quality while helping to advance these emerging transportation technologies,” Chicago Department of Transportation Commissioner Gabe Klein said in a statement. “By offering a … Continue reading

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