Monthly Archives: November 2012

Man Made CO2 Is A Super Secret Military Weapon

Is this the result of legalized marijuana? What if America’s Leaders Actually Want Catastrophic Climate Change? What if the leaders of the United States — and by leaders I mean the generals in the Pentagon, the corporate executives of the … Continue reading

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Marc Morano Sets The Sandy/Doha Record Straight


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UN : Northern Hemisphere To Melt

Thawing permafrost covering almost a quarter of the northern hemisphere could “significantly amplify global warming” at a time when the world is already struggling to reign in rising greenhouse gases, a U.N. report said on Tuesday. UN says thawing permafrost … Continue reading

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New Procedures

In order to address valid criticism from David Appell, I am unofficially renaming the blog “The International  Peer-Reviewed Journal For Exposing Global Warming Bullshit”  All articles will be peer reviewed by the readers, and a comment section will be provided. … Continue reading

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How To Be A Good Government Employee

Simply make up “facts” that support the politburo agenda, like 2012 being the hottest year ever or that the climate is in unknown territory. Then plop an official US government stamp on your intellectual and moral panty waste. The startling … Continue reading

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1947 Shock News : Arctic Warmed Ten Degrees In 50 Years – Massive Sea Level Rise Coming – International Agency Needed To Prevent Catastrophe

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It Is A Good Thing That The 1,000+ Coal Plants Being Built In Other Countries Don’t Impact CO2 Levels

If the huge number of coal plants being built in other countries had any impact on CO2 levels, it would be impossible for Obama to control the climate thermostat. Fortunately, only evil American CO2 affects the climate. More than 1,000 new … Continue reading

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If You Curse It, WordPress Moderation Will Come

Check out this collection of gems from leading warmist intellect, David Appell.

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Guardian Tells Us That They Know Nothing About History

Front page news at The Guardian! Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian This event has repeated it itself every few decades. One might expect that newspaper publishers would know a … Continue reading

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Understanding The Antarctic

Experts tell us that Antarctic sea ice is expanding because of cold winds caused by the man-made ozone hole. Experts also tell us that Antarctica is warming and melting because of man-made global warming, and that Penguins are threatened by … Continue reading

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