Since When Do Democrats Care About Adultery?

One result is that Petraeus could possibly face military prosecution for adultery if officials turn up any evidence to counter his apparent claims that the affair began after he left the military.

FBI Deemed Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal, Not Intel Probe – ABC News

I was under the impression that adultery is considered mandatory among Democratic leaders. Petraeus’ big mistake was that he didn’t drown anyone in the process.

The Montreal Gazette 

Adultery is only a concern when the adulterer has information which could bring the liar in chief down.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Since When Do Democrats Care About Adultery?

  1. Ivan says:

    Petraeus’ big mistake was that he didn’t drown anyone in the process
    ..or administer drugs:
    “Marilyn Monroe – The Kennedy Connection.”

  2. Andy OZ says:

    After Tiger Woods and Lance Armstrong, nothing surprises me anymore.

  3. Ivan says:

    Check out the record of FDR as well.
    Apparently being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry.

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