Wind Power Causes Insanity

Wind farm noise does harm sleep and health, say scientists – Telegraph

Wind farms may drive you insane – but are worth it because they are ugly, unreliable and environmentally destructive.

Swathes of British countryside are being sacrificed

Too much faith – and subsidy – is ploughed into wind power when there are alternatives to butchering Britain.

We know all about life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness, but what of beauty? This week hundreds of marchers have converged on Cardiff from the west Midlands and mid-Wales in a desperate bid to halt what, on any showing, is an aesthetic travesty. By what right?

The protested plan, which has seen the Welsh marches in uproar for six months, is to erect 800 more wind turbines across the Cambrian Mountains and build a 100-mile network of 150ft pylons over the Powys hills, down the upper Severn valley into Shropshire. It will turn the largest wilderness area of Britain outside a national park into hundreds of square miles of power station. There is no market demand for this and the electricity generated will be less than one conventional power station. It is all political. The entire project is financed by the taxpayer in grants and by a compulsory levy on electricity bills.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Wind Power Causes Insanity

  1. roger says:

    The ancient Egyptians left a record of their great civilisation in the form of pyramids, admired and wondered at today……
    The ancient Greeks left a record of their great civilisation in the form of classical architecture, copied and still admired today………
    The Romans left a record of their civilisation in the form of straight roads whose modern replacements still follow them today……….
    The Liberal Democrats have desecrated the countryside with useless Wind Turbines based on false science and will be reviled and cast into the dustbin of history at the next election.
    The question is, how will the clutter of Turbines survive the test of time down the millennia?
    I think i just coined a new collective noun!

  2. mwhite says:

    “and build a 100-mile network of 150ft pylons over the Powys hills,”

    Windmills and their network connectivity are usually built in areas that are hard to get to, prone to bad weather and as a result more likely to break just when they’re needed (for what little power they produce).

  3. Michael says:

    Duck deflection devices in the Canadian oilsands failed for a day and 500 ducks died. The oil company was fined $1,000,000 by the government.

    Wind turbines kill more than 1,000 birds per day, including the iconic Bald Eagle and other endangered species, and similar numbers of bats. The bird carcasses feed the local rat and other rodent population adding to the proliferation of rodent induced disease.

    Those who use wind energy by choice should be fined $2,000,000 per day for the birds and forced to clean up the mess.

  4. Andrew says:
    seems a curious yet lethal object to this bird(not for the squeamish)

  5. Wyguy says:

    And here I thought the wind turbines were caused by insane people, it’s a vicious cycle!

  6. John Silver says:

    Excellent, now we can plead insanity.

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