Daily Archives: January 13, 2013

UHI In Denver

Denver is a cold place tonight after a couple of OT interceptions, but it is 5-10 degrees warmer than the rural areas outside of the city. http://wxug.us/109kh

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Only The Priests May Read The Scriptures

Check this out.  John B M.D. pointed out that if you access the public NOAA data directories using Internet Explorer (as opposed to a real browser) they warn you they you are not allowed to view the raw US temperature record. Only the … Continue reading

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Vote For Climate Couple Of The Decade

This is great! This idiot just won me the election, and I have no intention of doing anything for him!

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Put Yourself In Their Shoes

Imagine you are an innocent victim of a gun-free zone. You are a child huddled in a closet, with a madman on a rampage in your classroom or camp. If this were TV, a good guy would show up with … Continue reading

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Ray Finkle Redeems Himself!

Laces out, Dan! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nx3-sxhewlo]

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Will Baltimore Do Another Ray Finkle?

Like last year ….

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Hansen Finds The Missing Heat

The missing heat has been found, and it is hotter than Scenario A.

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Missing Heat Attacks Denver

Climate experts say that Colorado is going to warm 13 degrees, which was the temperature at the start of the game. The game-time temperature for the Broncos hosted the Baltimore Ravens in the AFC divisional playoffs was 13 degrees, according to National Weather Service meteorologist Jim Kalina, making … Continue reading

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